skasperski / navigation_2d

ROS nodes to navigate a mobile robot in a planar environment

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Why does the exploration not fail sometimes even after a collision?

aditi741997 opened this issue · comments


When I try to run the navigation exploration for the map with a few obstacles, sometimes, the robot collides with one of the obstacles, stays stuck there, but the navigator still keeps on re-planning and does not fail, even though the robot is at the same position for a long time, and not moving at all. Would you know why this happens?

Here's an image of the expt setup :

Note that sometimes, the robot is able to explore the whole area, and I have also seen that sometimes, the robot will collide and the navigator will return with the error 'exploration failed'.

The robot should not collide with the obstacles. Can you please verify that the added objects (blue) indeed appear in the laser scan and in the robot's local costmap. If not you might need to set their laser_return=1 in Stage settings.

The navigator on the other hand does not perform any high-level mission planning or error detection. It will just continue replanning, no matter whether the robot moves or not.