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Applied Data Science by Geoffrey Link

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A Visual Guide to Data Science

A Summary of Machine Learning Techniques

Artificial Intelligence - the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines that have the ability to achieve goals like humans via a constellation of technologies.

Neural Network (NN) - software constructions modeled after the way adaptable neurons in the brain were understood to work instead of human guided rigid instructions.

Deep Learning - a type of neural network, the subset of machine learning composed of algorithms that permit software to train itself to perform tasks by processing multilayered networks of data.

Machine Learning - computers' ability to learn without being explicitly programmed - with more than fifteen different approaches such as Random Forest, Bayesian Networks, and Support Vector Machines - that uses computer algorithms to learn from examples and experiences (datasets) rather than predefined, hard rules-based methods.

Supervised Learning - an optimization, trial-and-error process based on labeled data, algorithm comparing outputs with the correct outputs during training.

Unsupervised Learning - the training samples are not labeled; the algorithm just looks for patterns, teaches itself.

Convolutional Neural Network - using the principle of convolution, a mathematical operation that basically takes two functions to produce a third one; instead of feeding in the entire dataset, it is broken into overlapping tiles with small neural networks and max-pooling, used especially for images.

Nautral-Language Processing - a machine's attempt to "understand" speech or written language like humans.

Generative Adversarial Networks - a pair of jointly trained neural networks, one generative and the other discriminative, whereby the former generates fake images and the latter tried to distringuish them from real images.

Reinforcement Learning - a type of machine learning that shifts the focus to an abstract goal or decision making, a technology for learning and executing actions in the real world.

Recurrent Neural Network - for tasks that involve sequential inputs, like speech or language, this neural network processes an input sequence one element at a time.

Backpropagation - an algorithm to indicate how a machine should change its internal parameters that are used to compute the representation in each layer from the representation on the previous layer passing values backward through the network; how the synapses get updated over time; signals are automatically sent back through the network to update and adjust the weighting values.

Representation Learning - set of methods that allows a machine with raw data to automatically discover the representations needed for detection or classification.

Transfer Learning - the ability of an AI to learn from different tasks and apply its precedent knowledge to a completely new task.

General Artificial Intelligence - perform a wide range of tasks, including any human task, without being explicitly programmed.

The AI Timeline
1936 - Turing paper (Alan Turing)
1943 - Artificial neural network (Warren McCullogh, Walter Pitts)
1955 - Term "artifical intelligence" coined (John McCarthy)
1957 - Predicted ten years for AI to beat human at chess (Herbert Simon)
1958 - Perceptron (single-layer neural network)(Frank Rosenblatt)
1959 - Machine learning described (Arthur Samuel)
1964 - ELIZA, the first chatbot
1964 - We know more than we can tell (Michael Polany's paradox)
1969 - Question AI viability (Marvin Minsky)
1986 - Multilayer neural network (NN)(Geoffrey Hinton)
1989 - Convolutional NN (Yann LeCun)
1991 - Natural-language processing NN (Sepp Hochreiter, Jurgen Schmidhuber)
1997 - Deep Blue wins in chess (Garry Kasparov)
2004 - Self-driving vehicle, Mojave Desert (DARPA Challenge)
2007 - ImageNet launches
2011 - IBM vs. Jeopardy! champions
2011 - Speech recognition NN (Microsoft)
2012 - University of Toronto ImageNet classification and cat video recognition (Google Brain, Andrew Ng, Jeff Dean)
2014 - DeepFace facial recognition (Facebook)
2015 - DeepMind vs. Atari (David Silver, Demis Hassabis)
2015 - First AI risk conference (Max Tegmark)
2016 - AlphaGo vs. Go (Silver, Demis Hassabis)
2017 - AlphaGo Zero vs. Go (Silver, Demis Hassabis)
2017 - Libratus vs. poker (Noam Brown, Tuomas Sandholm)
2017 - AI Now Institute launched

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Applied Data Science by Geoffrey Link


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