sham-sr / data_science_docker_stack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data science docker stack

What is it

This is a project for the deployment of popular services for data analysis in the docker environment.
As a backend DB MySQL 8

How to deploy

The docker-compose parameters are set in .env files. Before you build or run the docker-compose file, rename the .envexample to .env and edit it to match your environment.

  1. Create a "webproxy" network
    docker network create webproxy
  2. Run traefik
    You must have domains defined for all services with the specified" A records " of white IP addresses. Go to the traefik_proxy folder, Change permissions of acme.json file and run traefik.
    Rename to .toml and edit traefik.toml.example, traefik_dynamic.toml.example
    chmod 600 acme.json docker-compose up -d
  3. Go to the mysql_prod folder
    In the mysql_prod/db/sql folder, there is an init.sql script that creates databases and users for services. It contains passwords that are not secure so you can not use the script and create empty databases and add users manually. This information will need to be specified in the files .env of specific services. In the mysql_prod/db/config-file folder,there is an my.cnf file, edit it to suit your needs.
    docker-compose up –d
  4. Run portainer
    Go to the portainer folder
    docker-compose up –d
  5. Run keycloak
    Go to the keycloak folder
    docker-compose build docker-compose up –d wait until the database is initialized (on HHD it can take a long time up to 12 minutes, follow the logs)
  6. Run JupyterLab and create image for JupyterHub users
    Go to the jupyterlab_img_gen folder, to the dokerfile folder for different target notebooks that can be run in single-player mode and after creating images use images in jupyterhub.
  • scipy - based on scipy-notebook, with add some conda, pip lib (select in conda_requirements.txt, pip_requirements.txt), JupyterLab extensions:
    lckr-jupyterlab-variableinspector, ipyleaflet, jupyterlab-git, jupyterlab_widgets, jupyter-server-proxy, jupyterlab_execute_time, jupyterlab-kite, jupyterlab-system-monitor
    add code-server
    add self-written jupyter_proxy_extensions to be able to run bokeh, panel, flask, streamlit behind a proxy server
  • dotnet - based on dotnet_interactive
    add code-server, and same vscode extensions
  • osmnx - OSMnx
    to build an image select folder and run build
    docker-compose.yml build
    if you want to run notebook in single mode, generate the token with the generate_token and add it to .env
    docker-compose.yml up -d
  1. Run JupyterHub
    JupyterHub use KeyCloakAuthenticator
    Edit .env and Run in jupyterhub folder
    docker-compose build docker-compose up –d


License:The Unlicense


Language:Jupyter Notebook 90.5%Language:Python 3.7%Language:Shell 3.3%Language:Dockerfile 2.4%Language:HTML 0.1%