seqcode / multimds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MultiMDS is a tool for locus-specific structural comparisons of two Hi-C datasets. It jointly infers and aligns 3D structures from two datasets, such as different cell types. The output is aligned 3D structure files (which can be plotted, see below), locus-specific quantifications of relocalization, and compartment changes as a fraction of total relocalization. The amount of relocalization at each locus represents how much the locus changes between the datasets, which may be correlated with functional changes. The compartment fraction represents the importance of compartment changes to the global reorganization, which is expected to be 1/3 by chance. An enrichment of compartment changes suggests differential compartmentalization between the datasets. A lack of enrichment (or depletion) suggests that compartment-independent changes (such as TAD changes) dominate.


Python3 required!

pip install --user multimds

Install the following optional dependency for plotting figures (python 3 required):

pip install --user mayavi

If you can't use pip, clone the repository and add its location to PYTHONPATH.

If you want to create gifs of your structures, you'll need to install ImageMagick.

If you want to simulate Hi-C data (for figures), you'll need to install Sim3C:

pip install --user git+


Test data

Clone the repository, and then navigate into multimds/scripts directory. Download and normalize sample data for GM12878 and K562 cell types. Warning: this script downloads 23 Gb. ./

Open a python console and run the following commands (skip plotting commands unless you have mayavi)

from multimds import multimds
struct1, struct2 = multimds.full_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed")
from multimds import plotting
plotting.plot_structures_interactive((struct1, struct2))

You can calculate the fraction of changes explained by the A/B compartment axis, which is expected to be 1/3 by chance. (This analysis is only useful for datasets which have A/B compartments, such as mammalian cells.)

from multimds import compartment_analysis
compartment_analysis.calculate_compartment_fraction(struct1, struct2, "hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed")

Input files

MultiMDS uses intrachromosomal BED files as input. Data must be normalized prior to use (for example, using HiC-Pro).


chrom bin1_start bin1_end chrom bin2_start bin2_end normalized_contact_frequency

Example - chr21 data at 10-Kbp resolution:

chr21 16050000 16060000 chr21 16050000 16060000 12441.5189291


Important: the BED files must be the same species, chromosome, and resolution!

Output files


The relocalization of each locus is written to a BED file, with the format [PREFIX1]_[PREFIX2]_relocalization.bed

For example the output of

multimds.full_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed")

is GM12878_combined_21_100kb_K562_21_100kb_relocalization.bed

Structure files

Aligned structures are saved to tsv files, which can be used for plotting (see below). The header contains the name of the chromosome, the resolution, and the starting genomic coordinate. Each line in the file contains the genomic bin number followed by the 3D coordinates (with "nan" for missing data).

Example - chr21 at 10-kb resolution:




0 0.589878298045 0.200029092421 0.182515056542

1 0.592088232028 0.213915817254 0.186657230841

2 nan nan nan


0 corresponds to the bin 16050000-16060000, 1 corresponds to the bin 16060000-16070000, etc.

Difference penalty

The difference penalty controls how similar the output structures will be. Higher values mean that differences are penalized more by the algorithm. By default it is set to 0.05, but it is recommended that this be changed.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.full_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", penalty=0.02)

The minimum penalty that can achieve reproducibility is recommended. The script (in the scripts directory) plots reproducibility at different values of this parameter. Choose the parameter at which the increase in reproducibility levels off.

For example run

from multimds import reproducibility
reproducibility.plot_reproducibility("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed")


alt text

In this example a penalty of 0.05 appears best.


Load a structure:

from multimds import data_tools
structure = data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_21_100kb_structure.tsv")

Create an interactive 3D plot in Mayavi. (Mayavi allows you to rotate the image and save a view.)

from multimds import plotting
plotting.plot_structure_interactive(structure, color=(0,0.5,0.7), radius=0.01, enrichments=range(len(structure.getPoints())))

If radius is not selected, the to-scale radius of heterochromatin is used.

enrichments is a vector with a numerical value for each bin in the structure (i.e. bins that do not have a nan coordinate). For example, this could represent ChIP-seq enrichments for each bin. This option overrides color and will use a rainbow colormap, with blue representing low values and red representing high values.

Multiple structures can be plotted simultaneously:

chroms = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, X)
structures = [data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_{}_100kb_structure.tsv".format(chrom) for chrom in chroms)]

The plotting module has 23 built-in colors designed to be maximally different to the human eye. By default, these colors are used when plotting multiple structures. You can also specify a list of colors:

chroms = (1, 2)
structures = [data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_{}_100kb_structure.tsv".format(chrom) for chrom in chroms)]
plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures, colors=[(1,0,0), (0,0,1)])

plot_structures_interactive and plot_structures_gif output a file "structures_legend.png" showing the colors for each structure.

all_enrichments is a list of enrichments, e.g.

plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures, all_enrichments=[enrichments1, enrichments2])

The radius can also be specified, as above.

The option cut creates a cross-section of the plot. For example, this is useful for viewing the interior of the nucleus.

chroms = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, X)
structures = [data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_{}_100kb_structure.tsv".format(chrom) for chrom in chroms)]
plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures, cut=True)

A plot can be saved as a gif:

plotting.plot_structure_gif(structure, "struct", increment=10)

will create struct.gif

A smaller value of increment will lead to a smoother gif. Increments must be a factor of 360.

Multiple structures can also be plotted in a single gif:

plotting.plot_structures_gif(structures, "struct", colors=default_colors, radius=None, increment=10)


Output prefix

You can use a custom prefix for your output files. For example

struct1, struct2 = multimds.full_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", prefix="test_")

will output test_GM12878_combined_21_10kb_structure.tsv, test_K562_21_10kb_structure.tsv, test_GM12878_combined_21_10kb_K562_21_10kb_relocalization.bed


Exponential decay in contact frequency with genomic separation is a hallmark of Hi-C data. To reduce noise, miniMDS corrects contact frequencies with a distance-decay prior. The default prior weight is 0.05.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.full_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", weight=0)

w can be any value between 0 and 1, inclusive.

Partitioned MDS

Partitioned MDS is more efficient for very large datasets.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.partitioned_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed")

Number of partitions

Partitioning is used in the structural inference step for greater efficiency and accuracy. By default 4 partitions are used. The number of partitions must be even.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.partitioned_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", num_partitions=6)

Limit the maximum RAM (in Kb) used by any given partition (default: 32000000):

struct1, struct2 = multimds.partitioned_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", maxmemory=10000000)

Resolution ratio

Partitioned MDS first infers a global intrachromosomal structure at low resolution, which it uses as a scaffold for high-resolution inference. By default a resolution ratio of 10 is used. So if your input file is 100-kb resolution, a 1-Mb structure will be used for approximation.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.partitioned_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", res_ratio=20)

The value you choose depends on your tradeoff between speed and accuracy (but must be an integer). Lower resolutions (i.e. higher ratios) are faster but less accurate.

Number of threads

Multimds uses multithreading to achieve greater speed. By default, 3 threads are requested, because this is safe for standard 4-core desktop computers. However, the number of threads used will never exceed the number of processors or the number of partitions, regardless of what is requested.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.partitioned_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", num_threads=4)

Scaling factor

The scaling factor a describes the assumed relationship between contact frequencies and physical distances: distance = contact_frequency^(-1/a). The default value is 4, based on Wang et al 2016.

struct1, struct2 = multimds.partitioned_mds("hic_data/GM12878_combined_21_100kb.bed", "hic_data/K562_21_100kb.bed", alpha=3)

Reproducing figures

Shell scripts to reproduce figures from the paper can be found in the scripts directory.



License:MIT License


Language:Python 76.3%Language:Shell 23.6%Language:R 0.1%