seong-hun / my-config

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Configuration File

This configuartion has only been tested on Mac!


This configuration

  • uses Pyright and LspSaga to parse python files (to naviage to the definition, references, etc)
  • uses Black and Isort to auto-formatting
  • uses Telescope to file navigation
  • uses some beautiful themes (dashboard-nvim, tokyonight.nvim
  • uses vim-floaterm to emulate the terminal in a Neovim instance.


In the home directory, backup .config if it exists.

mv .config .config.bak

Download the repository.

git clone .config

Node.js and Pyright

Download Node.js from the website.

Install Pyright using

sudo npm install -g pyright

Homebrew Packages

Install Homebrew using

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Update the Homebrew.

brew update

(Optional) Tmux and oh-my-tmux

brew install tmux

(Optional) oh-my-tmux

git clone
ln -s -f .tmux/.tmux.conf
ln -s -f .tmux/.tmux.conf.local

Install efm-langserver using

brew install efm-langserver

Install a font (I prefer the Hack Nerd Font).

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font

Change the font setting from the preference of iTerm2. Go to iTerm2 > Settings... or press <Command> + ,. Go to Profiles > Text > Font and change the font to Hack Nerd Font.

Black and Isort

In a prefered environment (e.g., a conda env), install the following packages.

pip install black isort

or in a conda env,

conda install black isort


Install Neovim using

brew install neovim

Open Neovim and type the following command to install packages with packer.nvim.


You may close all the vim instances and reopen/rerun the above command several times until no error messages appear.

Telescope dependencies:

brew install ripgrep
brew install lua-language-server

Install LuaFormatter for lua with efm:

brew install luarocks
brew install cmake
luarocks install --server= luaformatter

Install prettierd for js with efm:

brew install prettierd
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/utils/linter-config
echo {}> ~/.config/nvim/utils/linter-config/.prettierrc.json


Install MacTex from the website.

Install Skim (a PDF reader) from the website. From the preference of SKim, Sync > PDF-TeX Sync support, set Preset field to Custom, type nvim in Command field, and type --headless -c "VimtexInverseSearch %line '%file'" in Arguments field.


Install jannikis' git-ignore interactive CLI with

brew tap janniks/git-ignore
brew install git-ignore



Use LspSaga to navigate to definitions and references. Press <Leader>gh.


Use Telescope to search and navigate to a file. Press <Leader>ff.

Black and Isort

Writing (:w) a python buffer in a Neovim instance, black and isort will be automatically executed and modify the buffer without writing.


Use Vimtex to work with tex files.

Press <Leader>ll to auto-compile, and <Leader>lv to forward search. The backward search will be performed with <Command> + <Shift> + <LMB>.

Press <Leader>ft to open a terminal window in a Neovim instance.



Language:Lua 94.4%Language:Vim Script 5.6%