My solutions for the practical work of the Information and Coding Theory module (Théorie de l'information et du Codage : TICOD) in my 4th year of state engineering studies at ENSTTIC

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comsenia-halla/ENSTTIC-TICOD-MATLAB-TPRepository from Github https://github.comsenia-halla/ENSTTIC-TICOD-MATLAB-TP


This course is provided within the national higher school of telecommunications and ICT -ENSTTIC- during the 4th year of the state engineering course in telecommunications

The goal of practical works (TPs) is to manipulate the notions relating to the measurement of information and the application of the Huffman method for the coding & compression of data, and Building a Channel Noise Model & Reducing the Error Rate Using a Hamming Code, with Matlab & Simulink


My solutions for the practical work of the Information and Coding Theory module (Théorie de l'information et du Codage : TICOD) in my 4th year of state engineering studies at ENSTTIC


Language:MATLAB 100.0%