scipion-em / scipion-em-susantomo

Plugin to use SUSAN within the Scipion framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

todo list

azazellochg opened this issue · comments

  • input tomo mrc stack has to be float32
  • scipion coord/alignment -> tbl
  • basic viewer
  • protocol to make subsets by CC or ref num
  • continue mode
  • add export coords protocol (update positions with shifts)
  • add params to MRA: denoise, 2d refinement
  • save ptcl alignment info: susan ptclsraw -> scipion
  • replace matrix2eulerAngles (see scipion-em/scipion-em-continuousflex#148)

Hi @azazellochg
By chance I saw you linked the issue with matrix2eulerAngles. Give a try this solution:

from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
rot, tilt, psi = Rotation.from_matrix(T).inv().as_euler('ZYZ', degrees=True)
