savvas-paragkamian / crete-data-integration

Towards a Crete Soil System warehouse

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Crete soil system Beetle icon is created by Nicko Studio, Noun Project.

Crete data integration

This repository aims to bring together biodiversity knowledge regarding the island of Crete, Greece. Crete has been studied extensively for more than three centures. This has resulted in a wealth of knownledge available in the forms of :

  • Literature. Contemporary - PubMed, Google Scholar, Dimensions and historical - Biodiversity Heriatage Library),

  • Biodiversity. Species occurrences and metadata in public databases (GBIF, IUCN) and sequences from environmental DNA studies (e.g ENA, Mgnify)

  • Spatial data. Remote sensing and manual maps (e.g Copernicus, ESDAC, WorldClim)

More specificaly, the focus is on the soil ecosystems of Crete. Soils are consindered the cornerstones of terrestrial functioning and with the digital representation of ecosystems the aim is to explore new types of associations and generate new hypotheses. The integration of biodiversity knowledge in one place is a longstanding goal in ecological research. The synthesis of multiple data types and datasets across the globe has enabled



Historical literature of Crete's biodiversity.


From the schema and the BHL data model we perform searches on Title, Items and Subjects. Items are the bound objects of BHL, so a title can have multiple items. The digitised document is the item. Additionaly, each title is assigned with subjects. The are not standardised. Each Item also has a pages table with information per page.

In the BHL schema it is noted that :

NOTE: This export DOES NOT include all of the pages in the BHL database. It only contains pages on which taxonomic names have been identified.

There is an archive from BHL that contains all OCR text here. It is about 40gb tarball. Unziped is 300 gb and contains 62 million ocred pages of 292 thousand different documents.

find . -name "*.txt" | gawk -F"/" 'BEGIN{print "folder" "\t" "items" "\t" "pages"}{folder[$2][$3]++}END{for (f in folder){ for (i in folder[f]){print f "\t" i "\t" folder[f][i]}}}' > ~/crete-data-integration/bhl_ocr_summary.tsv

gawk -F"\t" '(NR>1){sum+=$3}END{print sum}' bhl_ocr_summary.tsv

Information regarding Crete can be mentioned inside the pages of the documents. The title and summaries provided from BHL don't necessarely contain such information. For that reason, search in all pages must be performed.

Crete can be mentioned as Crete , Kriti, Kreta etc, hence the search must include those as well.

find . -name "*.txt" | xargs gawk '{if (tolower($0) ~ /\<kreta\>/){print FILENAME "\t" $0}}' > ~/crete-data-integration/bhl_pages_kreta.tsv
find . -name "*.txt" | xargs gawk '{if (tolower($0) ~ /\<crete\>/){print FILENAME "\t" $0}}' > ~/crete-data-integration/bhl_pages_crete.tsv
find . -name "*.txt" | xargs gawk '{if (tolower($0) ~ /\<kriti\>/){print FILENAME "\t" $0}}' > ~/crete-data-integration/bhl_pages_kriti.tsv
find . -name "*.txt" | xargs gawk '{if (tolower($0) ~ /\<cretan\>/){print FILENAME "\t" $0}}' > ~/crete-data-integration/bhl_pages_cretan.tsv

The \< and \> are to define the word boundaries in awk.

To dig in at the results first collate the files:

cat bhl_pages_cretan.tsv bhl_pages_crete.tsv bhl_pages_kreta.tsv bhl_pages_kriti.tsv > bhl_pages_all_keywords_crete.tsv
gawk -F"\t" '{split($1,id, "/"); items[id[3]]++ ; pages[id[4]]=1}END{print length(items) FS length(pages)}' bhl_pages_all_keywords_crete.tsv

Looking at the distribution of pages per item (document) is important to decide filtering.

gawk -F"\t" '{split($1,id, "/"); items[id[3]]++ ; pages[id[4]]=1}END{for (i in items) {print i FS items[i]}}' bhl_pages_all_keywords_crete.tsv | sort -k 2 -h | cut -f 2 | uniq -c

documents n pages 16936 1
5345 2
2270 3
1261 4

Hence 25812 documents contain less that 5 mentions of keywords, conversely there are 3696 documents with 5 or more mentions of Crete keywords.

The following oneliner counts the number of pages per item and filters all items and pages for the items that have less than 5 hits. They are saved to a new file itemid PageID columns. This filtering leads to 35130 pages.

gawk -F"\t" '{split($1,id, "/"); items[id[3]]++ ; pages[id[4]]=1}END{for (i in items) {if (items[i]>4){item_s[i]=1}}; for (p in pages){split(p,p_s,"-"); if (p_s[1] in item_s){print p_s[1] FS p_s[2]}} }' bhl_pages_all_keywords_crete.tsv | sort | uniq > bhl_item_page_filtered.tsv

Are there taxon names identified in these pages?

gawk -F"\t" 'FNR==NR{a[$2]=$1;next} ($3 in a) {print $2,a[$3],$3}' bhl_item_page_filtered.tsv ../../data/bhl_data/pagename.txt > bhl_item_page_taxa.tsv

There are 23391 pages with taxa names in 3000 items. The total distinct taxa names in these pages are 75405. The occurrences of taxa in pages are 214215.

These items are published in journals or monographs that BHL mentions as titles.

gawk -F"\t" '(ARGIND==1){items[$1]=1}(NR>1 && ARGIND==2){title[$1]=$0}(NR>1 && ARGIND==3 && $1 in items){print $1 FS title[$2]}' bhl_item_page_filtered.tsv ../../data/bhl_data/title.txt ../../data/bhl_data/item.txt > bhl_titles.tsv

There are 1879 items that are associated with titles that are written in the following languages:

-       34
CHI     1
CZE     1
DAN     1
HUN     1
JPN     1
POR     1
RUS     1
SPA     1
NOR     2
SWE     2
RUM     3
UND     11
DUT     12
LAT     16
ITA     31
MUL     37
FRE     105
GER     268
ENG     1350

Year of publication. 1482 before 1960.

gawk -F"\t" '(FNR==NR){items[$1]++; next}(NR>1 && $1 in items){print}' bhl_item_page_filtered.tsv ../../data/bhl_data/item.txt > bhl_items_filtered_info.tsv

Taxa before the 1960.

gawk -F"\t" '(FNR==NR && $13<1960){a[$1]=1;next}($2 in a) {print $1 FS $2}' bhl_items_filtered_info.tsv bhl_item_page_taxa.tsv | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq | wc -l


Keep the PMIDs of the articles that mention crete

date; gunzip -c ../pubmed2023/*.tsv.gz | ./scripts/search_engine.awk keywords_crete.txt - > crete_pubmed_results.tsv ; date 

then keep only the PMIDs of Crete

gunzip -c ../pubmed2023/*.tsv.gz \ 
    | gawk -F"\t" -v OFS="\t" '(FNR==NR){id[$2]=1; next}{gsub("\\|.*$","",$1); if ($1 in id){print}}' crete_pubmed_results.tsv - > crete_pubmed_all.tsv

The OFS ensures the output is tab-separated after gsub.

Sanity check that all abstracts are returned

gawk -F"\t" '(FNR==NR){found[$1]=1; next}(!($2 in found)){print $2}' crete_pubmed_all.tsv crete_pubmed_results.tsv

This abstract retrieval results in 1556 unique abstracts. The name of Crete is distinct and there are few false positives. These abstracts were manually curated because most of them are biomedical. Upon manual curation, 170 abstracts are from environmental sciences.

In addition, a python script was written to retrieve the MeSH terms of each PMID as a sanity check of the manual curation.

Google scholar

Google scholar is connected to a nice API, serpapi, albeit commercial. There were many articles that were retrieved with this API.


Dimensions has the most advanced user interface for academic literature search. Using the interface, a search for Crete, Kriti, Creta in title and abstract has resulted in 30 thousand articles annotated with the Field of Research.


GBIF (17 January 2023) GBIF Occurrence Download

The occurrence.txt has 259 fields.

head -1 occurrence.txt | gawk -F"\t" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){print i FS $i}}' 

Summery of occurrences per kingdom

gawk -F"\t" '(NR>1){a[$197]++}END{for (i in a){print i FS a[i]}}' occurrence.txt
Protozoa        483
Chromista       12984
Plantae 50763
Archaea 35
Animalia        93692
Bacteria        2189
incertae sedis  871
Fungi   11675


Is a curated database of museum records that aims to include all aspects of soil biodiversity.

It has in total, 26 resources with 17 different sampling points covering 120 distinct taxa.


Download all the metadata of the GOLD database from here. Select the Public Studies/Biosamples/SPs/APs/Organisms Excel option.


ENA database has an API functionality to search with geographic boundaries.

Using this method with a POST request we build the following querry:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'result=sample&query=geo_box1(34.6580,23.1572,35.8195,26.8076)&fields=all&limit=0&format=tsv' "" > ena_post_crete.tsv

To get all the sample attributes:

./scripts/ results/ena_post_crete.tsv ena_data_crete

To transform all xml attributes to tsv:

./scripts/ ena_data_crete  results/ena_samples_attributes-crete.tsv

Island Sampling Day, a metagenome project, sampled top soil in 72 locations around Crete in 2016 and 2022.

IUCN RedList

More than 650 assessments of species that occur in Crete are available in IUCN Red Lists. The download was two-fold, one for species data and one for species spatial occurrences.

Spatial data


ESDAC hosts the European soil database which contains information about soils across Europe from satelite data as well as sampling data.

Copernicus Land Monitoring Service

Copernicus contains multiple remore sensing data that for example categorise the ecotypes of Crete.

Harmonized World Soil Database v2.0

This dataset (HWSD2) has two files that are complementary:

  1. raster file with numerical values at 1 sp. km resolution (.bil format)
  2. a mdb file (microsoft access database) with tables containing the attributes

Data can be downloaded from here

The raster file is loaded to R terra package and is cropped to the bounding box of Crete.

The mdb file can be handled without Microsof Access through the MDB Tools. MDB tools is a set of programs to help you extract data from Microsoft Access files in various settings.

mdb-export -d "\t" HWSD2.mdb HWSD2_SMU > HWSD2_SMU.tsv

In addition, the WRB4 information is needed to categorise the soils in their taxonomy. The mapping of HWSD2 ids to WRB4 ids and description is contained in the D_WRB4 table of the HWSD2.mdb database.

mdb-export -d "\t" HWSD2.mdb D_WRB4 > HWSD2_D_WRB4.tsv

World Soil Information service

Download the latest data from the ISRIC and WoSIS soil spatial service from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The data are availoable from the Web Feature Service (WFS). The script get_wosis_crete.R retrieves the locations of soil samples in Crete.


Global land use change hildap_GLOB-v1.0 is a great dataset that combines historical and conteporary data to estimate the yearly changes of land use.


Towards a Crete Soil System warehouse


Language:R 65.1%Language:Python 23.5%Language:Awk 7.2%Language:Shell 4.2%