saikishor / franka_human_friendly_controllers

This is a collection of codes for franka emika panda used in TU Delft for a safer human robot interaction

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Franka Human Friendly Controllers

For more info:

  • Open a terminal pressing ctrl+alt+t

-In case you already have some versions of libfranka installed, remove them to avoid conflicts with:

sudo apt remove "*libfranka*"
sudo apt autoremove

Type the following commands to generate and build libfranka

sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libpoco-dev libeigen3-dev
git clone --recursive
cd libfranka
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .

This last comand may take several minutes.

Now create a workspace (here called catkin_ws) and install franka_ros in it

mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws
source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/
catkin_init_workspace src
git clone --recursive src/franka_ros
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro <ros-distro> -y --skip-keys libfranka
source devel/
  • Finally, install the controllers inside the folder "franka_ros" and build the code:
cd src/franka_ros
git clone
cd ../..
source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/setup.bash
catkin_make -DMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR:PATH=~/libfranka/build

To run the controller:

  • Switch on your Panda robot (make sure the gripper is initialized correctly), unlock its joints (and activate the FCI if necessary).
  • Open a terminal, in every terminal: source devel/setup.bash
  • roslaunch franka_human_friendly_controllers cartesian_variable_impedance_controller.launch robot_ip:=ROBOT_IP load_gripper:=True
  • In a different terminal (don't forget to source again): rosrun franka_human_friendly_controllers franka_gripper_online

Run this in gazebo simulation

in franka_gazebo/CMakeList.txt in catkin_package(...) add franka_human_friendly_controllers

in franka_gazebo/CMakeList.txt in find_package(..) add franka_human_friendly_controllers

in franka_gazebo/package.xml add <depend>franka_human_friendly_controllers</depend>

in franka_gazebo/config/sim_controllers.yaml add

  type: franka_human_friendly_controllers/CartesianVariableImpedanceController 
  arm_id: $(arg arm_id)
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint1
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint2
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint3
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint4
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint5
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint6
    - $(arg arm_id)_joint7 

To lunch the cartesian impedance controller in simulation:

roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch x:=-0.5 world:=$(rospack find franka_gazebo)/world/stone.sdf controller:=cartesian_variable_impedance_controller rviz:=true

Disagreement-aware Variable Impedance controller (DAVI)

To run the demo of teaching the robot where and how to place a paper cup:

  • Open a new terminal in src/franka_human_friendly_controllers/python/DAVI
  • Run the main file: python3

The robot will move to make the gripper face down, and then switch to gravity compensation. The robot can now be moved to the desired initial end-effector position. Upon pressing enter, the model is further initialized and the Episodes can be started and quit via the keyboard.

Watch our demo here:


This is a collection of codes for franka emika panda used in TU Delft for a safer human robot interaction


Language:C++ 49.5%Language:Python 46.9%Language:CMake 3.6%