ros-teleop / teleop_tools

A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compilation in ROS Melodic

GeneralAdmin opened this issue · comments

Compilation in ROS Melodic

When I try to compile it in melodic, i get the error bellow. Has anyone seen this before?

viki@viki:~/catkin_ws$ catkin build

Profile: default
Extending: [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace: /home/viki/catkin_ws

Build Space: [exists] /home/viki/catkin_ws/build
Devel Space: [exists] /home/viki/catkin_ws/devel
Install Space: [unused] /home/viki/catkin_ws/install
Log Space: [exists] /home/viki/catkin_ws/logs
Source Space: [exists] /home/viki/catkin_ws/src
DESTDIR: [unused] None

Devel Space Layout: linked
Install Space Layout: None

Additional CMake Args: None
Additional Make Args: None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server: True
Cache Job Environments: False

Whitelisted Packages: None
Blacklisted Packages: None

Workspace configuration appears valid.

[build] Found '18' packages in 0.0 seconds.
[build] Package table is up to date.
[build] Warning: Skipping package key_teleop because it has an unsupported package build type: ament_python
[build] Note: Available build types:
[build] - catkin
[build] - cmake
[build] Warning: Skipping package mouse_teleop because it has an unsupported package build type: ament_python
[build] Note: Available build types:
[build] - catkin
[build] - cmake
[build] Warning: Skipping package teleop_tools because it has an unsupported package build type: ament_cmake
[build] Note: Available build types:
[build] - catkin
[build] - cmake
[build] Warning: Skipping package teleop_tools_msgs because it has an unsupported package build type: ament_cmake
[build] Note: Available build types:
[build] - catkin
[build] - cmake
Abandoned <<< bebop_tools [ Depends on unknown jobs: teleop_tools_msgs ]
Abandoned <<< joy_teleop [ Depends on unknown jobs: teleop_tools_msgs ]
Starting >>> avoidance
Starting >>> bebop_description
Starting >>> bebop_msgs
Starting >>> planers
Starting >>> point_cloud_io
Starting >>> pplanner
Starting >>> simulador_uav
Finished <<< bebop_description [ 2.2 seconds ]
Finished <<< planers [ 5.4 seconds ]
Finished <<< point_cloud_io [ 6.4 seconds ]
Finished <<< simulador_uav [ 14.8 seconds ]
Finished <<< bebop_msgs [ 15.9 seconds ]
Starting >>> bebop_driver
Finished <<< pplanner [ 15.8 seconds ]
Finished <<< avoidance [ 15.9 seconds ]
Starting >>> global_planner
Starting >>> local_planner
Starting >>> safe_landing_planner
Finished <<< bebop_driver [ 3.1 seconds ]
Finished <<< safe_landing_planner [ 8.3 seconds ]
Finished <<< global_planner [ 8.8 seconds ]
Finished <<< local_planner [ 8.8 seconds ]
[build] Summary: 11 of 13 packages succeeded.
[build] Ignored: 5 packages were skipped or are blacklisted.
[build] Warnings: None.
[build] Abandoned: 2 packages were abandoned.
[build] Failed: None.
[build] Runtime: 26.1 seconds total.

Check the branch
Check if you need to compile this from source at all, installing should just work

Check the branch
Check if you need to compile this from source at all, installing should just work

Installing worked offcourse! Thks!