ros-realtime / ros-realtime-rpi4-image

An image for the Raspberry Pi 4 with ROS 2 and Linux RT preinstalled

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Raspberry pi 5 support?

PCrnjak opened this issue · comments

Hi! I have a setup running on my pi4 and it works. I am wondering if anybody tried running this on pi5?

@PCrnjak I have tried Ubuntu 23.10 on pi5, and it works, this is the only version currently supported by Canonical. I'm not sure whether it makes sense to continue with it, or is better to wait until the 24.04 LTS is released, since the next ROS 2 release will be based on it.

+1 on waiting for 24.04 for release. I don't think humble supports 23.10 officially?

That said, maybe there are beta images we can try to start building from? @razr did you manage to get a rt kernel built?

I'll look into it over this weekend, however, I'm not sure whether it makes much sense. It will be an RT kernel running on Ubuntu 23.10, and it is not supported by ROS 2.

OK if you don't think it's that big of a deal don't worry about it. I'm mainly wondering if anything has changed that made the kernel more tedious to build.