ros-planning / navigation_experimental

Experimental navigation techniques for ROS robots.

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Global planner is not initialized in Turtlebot

arperon opened this issue · comments

Hello my friends,
I have a issue regarding the SBPL Lattice Planner. I'm currently using ROS Kinetic and I have installed all "navigation_experimental" packages with "git clone". Before that, I've installed the "sbpl library" with "apt-get" for ROS Kinetic. I also checked for available plugins in ROS Package System using "rospack plugins --attrib=plugin nav_core" command, witch showed the sbpl_lattice_planner listed with navfn and the other planners. Then I runned a simulation with the command "roslaunch sbpl_lattice_planner move_base_sbpl_fake_localization_2.5cm.launch" and everything worked allright. Then I tried to use the planner as a global planner for nav_core in a simulation using "turtlebot_stage". The "turtlebot_stage" launched just fine and I used the "rqt_reconfigure" GUI to change the global planner to "SBPLLatticePlanner". When I used the "2D Nav Goal" command, the robot didn't move and the terminal showed the following message: "Global planner is not initialized". Please, does anyone knows what it could be? Thanks in advance!

It's not that easy, unfortunately.

The turtlebot_navigation package is configured to use NavFn instead of SBPL. So you have to modify turtlebot_navigation. The global planner is defined here:

You basically have to replace that stuff by the proper SBPL parameters for the turtlebot. You can look at my mir_robot repo for inspiration:

If you just want to play around with SBPL, I'd recommend going to and following the "Gazebo demo" instructions in the README.

I'm closing this issue, since it's not a bug in sbpl_lattice_planner. If you have further questions, I encourage you to post them to . Good luck!