ros-planning / navigation

ROS Navigation stack. Code for finding where the robot is and how it can get somewhere else.

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The "global_planner/GlobalPlanner" plans paths through obstacles and unknown areas occasionally

ahmedadamji opened this issue · comments

I am encountering an intermittent issue while using the ROS navigation stack with global_planner/GlobalPlanner as the base global planner. Occasionally, the planned path generated by the global planner incorrectly goes straight through walls represented in the static map. This issue does not occur consistently but happens sporadically, which leads me to believe there might be an underlying problem with how the planner is being used or configured.


ROS Version: ROS Noetic
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04

Configuration Details:

Relevant parameters set for global_planner/GlobalPlanner.
base_global_planner: "global_planner/GlobalPlanner" #"navfn/NavfnROS"
default_tolerance: 0.1
allow_unknown: false
visualize_potential: false
publish_potential: false
use_dijkstra: true
orientation_mode: 1
orientation_window_size: 5
unknown_cost_value: 255
outline_map: true

Costmap configuration:
global_frame: map
robot_base_frame: base_link
update_frequency: 4.0
publish_frequency: 0.5
static_map: true
resolution: 0.1
map_topic: "/map"
width: 100
height: 100

transform_tolerance: 0.5
- {name: static_layer, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}
- {name: image_seg_obstacle_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
- {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}

enabled: true
map_topic: "/map"
unknown_cost_value: 255
track_unknown_space: true
trinary_costmap: true

Expected Behavior:
The global planner should consistently avoid planning paths through walls or obstacles as defined in the static map.

Actual Behavior:
Intermittently, the planner generates paths that go straight through walls.

I experienced similar issue which I described here:
#1254 (comment)