ros-perception / vision_msgs

Algorithm-agnostic computer vision message types for ROS.

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Clarify size in BoundingBox2D, BoundingBox3D.

mistermult opened this issue · comments

The code says that it is:

# The size of the bounding box, in meters, surrounding the object's center
#   pose.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 size

# The size (in pixels) of the bounding box surrounding the object relative
#   to the pose of its center.
float64 size_x
float64 size_y

Is this size_x/size[0] the distance to the center (halfsize) or the extent in x-direction?

It's the size, i.e., the extent in x-/y-direction. I agree that the comment could be clearer - what does the bounding box center have to do with its size?

I guess these are oriented bounding boxes and the orientation is saved in the center. That means if you rotate by pi/2 around z, the extent in x/y direction is interchanged :)

Now(-ish) would be a good junction to clarify this. Would something like The absolute size (in pixels)... fix this issue? I think that makes it clear its the total size, not the half size. I can submit a couple of patches to close this ticket out before the ros-perception/vision_msgs discourse announcement post.

absolute size or total size would seem to clear it up for me. We should also probably clarify that relative to the pose of its center includes orientation (i.e. the x and y axes are expressed in the frame defined by the the center field).

I don't think we need to change the name of the field in the message, I think we just need to add a comment to clarify what the value means.