ros-perception / radar_msgs

A set of standard messages for RADARs in ROS

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Release for Noetic / Foxy

SteveMacenski opened this issue · comments

Foxy is blocked by uuid_msgs not being released

Hi @SteveMacenski, Is there anything I can do to help get these messages out on Noetic?
We are hoping to release our Delphi ESR driver on Noetic.

@icolwell-as We can do that, the master branch is for ROS2 (CI and all setup for Foxy). I setup a Noetic branch If you had some cycles to update the CMakeLists/Package.xml/CircleCI container to Noetic, I'll run a release the same day

I also renamed master to ros2 to make that clear. Right now that branch couldn't be released for noetic since the build tool / Ci won't build for it

Perfect! thanks for laying it out, I hope to get started by the end of the week.

Awesome, I'd usually just do it myself since its only a little work but I'm really slammed with other maintenance tasks and if I added this to my queue, it might be on the order of months before it would get done.

Noetic release in progress

Is there anything still blocking the foxy release? It looks like we have ros-foxy-unique-identifier-msgs

Will do today

in progress, release to be submitted in a few minutes