ros-perception / ar_track_alvar

AR tag tracking library for ROS


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Port to ROS2

130s opened this issue · comments

Suggested at

  • List up things to do to enable ROS2.
  • Implement them.

(As a maintainer though, I don't foresee I can dedicated any time on this any time soon while I'm happy to help reviewing contribution and making a necessary releases.)

@130s What's the requirements to become a maintainer? I've already ported it to noetic, can't be too hard to port it to ROS2 as well, since this would only involve changes in the node sources.

Thanks for the offer to be a maintainer!

  • I'd add you to an admin group ar_track_alvar but I can't seem to add you. @wjwwood Would you mind adding @machinekoder to the group? I've seen his great contribution in the OSS community.
  • @machinekoder Please add you in the package.xml as a maintainer. You can remove myself as I have no bandwidth unfortunately to continue.

I sent the invite.

I might be interested in testing this, if/when things are at that point.

Is there any updates on this by any chance? Is it recommended we stick to using ros1 and this package or in my case a ros 1 bridge to ros2 to use this package?