ros-perception / ar_track_alvar

AR tag tracking library for ROS


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Branches are not synchronized

130s opened this issue · comments

From @130s on January 25, 2015 0:17

Upon sniekum#41 I'm looking at branches and realized that active branches (I assume { groovy, hydro, indigo }-devel) are not synchronized. Each branch has accepted unique commits within the last 6 months.

I can see some commits MAY be distro-specific (e.g. this one for Hydro), but not entirely sure if those commits are intended specifically to each branch, or if it was just the pull-requesters were on those branches when they added changed and opened PRs without much thoughts on which branch(es) can their commits be applied to.

So what is the right approach with this package?

  • Keep separate branches as they are: Since @sniekum explicitly incremented the version per each branch, I just assume there's a reason to do so. But then we need to make the rule clearer. For example now that Groovy build job is ceased, having groovy-devel as a default branch does not make sense much to me. I usually see with other ros-related repository where they associate branches with ROS distros, they use the one with latest distro (Indigo now).
  • Or merge branches? I tried locally to merge, was able to merge conflicts. But then I noticed that I'm not sure at all which commit should stick to a particular distro.

Copied from original issue: sniekum#42