ros-industrial / yak

A library for integrating depth images into Truncated Signed Distance Fields.

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Marching cubes skips voxels with low weights

schornakj opened this issue · comments

There's a hard-coded minimum weight value which is used to determine if a voxel should be meshed or not. If a small number of scans are used to create the surface reconstruction, the output mesh could be incomplete or empty.

const static uint16_t min_weight = 4;
uint16_t w;
val[0] = read(x + 1, y + 1, z, w);
if (w < min_weight)
return {};

Probably the root cause of this issue in yak_ros.


Well, not so nice it's hard coded, but this confirms a hypothesis we (me and @dave992) formed while trying to debug what was going on.

We hadn't yet made it to yak itself.

Thanks for the insight @schornakj.

@dave992: this doesn't mean a proper extrinsic calibration shouldn't be performed :)