ros-industrial / yak

A library for integrating depth images into Truncated Signed Distance Fields.

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Remove tsdf_min_camera_movement

mpowelson opened this issue · comments

This seems like a detail in the data capture not the reconstruction. In other words, I think this should be in yak_ros not yak itself. In fact, it is in both places now. I propose we remove it from yak (in kinfu.cpp) and let the data collection wrapper handle it (yak_ros).

Along these same lines, update_via_sensor_motion also seems odd. Is there an application for it? I don't know if it currently works.

Agreed on removing the minimum motion threshold from kinfu.cpp. The TSDF server should merge whatever images are sent to it, and it should be the client's responsibility to manage when those images are merged.

I tried update_via_sensor_motion = true and it doesn't integrate relative to the correct frame. I think it can be safely removed.