rohinegi548 / AutomationWithWebdriverJSMochaChai

Sample UI Automation using WebdriverJS, Mocha ChaiJS and Allure reporting framework.

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Sample UI Automation using WebdriverJS, Mocha ChaiJS and Allure reporting framework.

Pre-requisites to run this on your system:
  Node.js (install from
  npm (comes with nodejs)
  selenium webdriver( $ npm install selenium-webdriver --save )
  mocha ( $ npm install mocha --save )
  chai ( $ npm install chai --save )
  allure reporting ( $ npm install mocha-allure-reporter --save )
Clone repository on your system and do changes as per your requirements.
After that you can fire command in terminal:

$ npm test

This will execute your tests sequentially:
  -first mvn clean will clean all required directory so tha for each run fresh reports get generated
  -mocha ./tests/login.js --no-timeouts -R mocha-allure-reporter will run your tests with not timeout boundation and generate
   allure-results directory after execution completes
  -mvn site with generate allure report in target/site/maven-allure-plugin/index.html with all your failed/passed screenshots.
  Benefits of using --no-timeouts: for mocha default timeout is 2 seconds, so whether your tests take more than 2 sec time 
    if you don't set this option,  your test will only execute for 2 seconds and this will cause of failing of your test unexpectedly. So its a good option to try.
Package.json: This is actually works like pom in maven, you mention all dependencies and configuration in it, also you can use this to run your test by one command: npm test as I have used, using 'scripts' option:

"scripts": {
    "test": "mvn clean ; mocha ./tests/Login.js --no-timeouts -R mocha-allure-reporter ; mvn site"
You can view report by opening this index.html in firefor or using jetty server in chrome.

Sample report screenshots:


Sample UI Automation using WebdriverJS, Mocha ChaiJS and Allure reporting framework.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%