There are 10 repositories under javascript-tests topic.
Open-source, free, self-hosted alternative to Cypress Dashboard
A guide on testing Vue components and applications
Powerful friendly HTTP mock server & proxy library
Write Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers for Jest and Jasmine
Everything about programming!!
Dakka - generate automation tests for Cypress, Playwright and Puppeteer
LinkedIn JavaScript Assessment Answers - 2019-2021
Suggested best practices when writing Jasmine unit tests.
Fluent pluggable interface for easily wrapping `describe` and `it` blocks in Mocha tests.
A Karma plugin to inject Jasmine-Matchers for Jasmine and Jest.
in this project, I will add Javascript functions from Basics to Advanced with design patterns
Smart Contracts for the Bodhi Prediction Market
Test tasks for frontend (js in the main) developers from different companies
Write useful test matchers compatible with Jest and Jasmine.
:books: Recursos para aprender Javascript
Restful API Test Automation Sample - Boilerplate - ATDD - Resource Objects - Jest - Superagent - Express - Allure
A collection of different JavaScript test workflows, helping you choose a suitable/preferable Test-Driven Development.
A collection of Javascript exercises to get you grooving.
Cypress e2e framework based on page object model with reporting and visual testing
Script executor and E2E testing support framework written in Java and JS
Pro JS Tips
A gulp plugin to run javascript tests using Chutzpah test runner
A growing set of examples for testing React including different coding styles, techniques, test libraries, and test frameworks
Example of how to use Stubs, Spies for Mocking JavaScript tests.
hogosu.js is a simple programation code
Have you ever talked to yourself? Good! This app lets you talk to yourself all day in a chatroom! This is... World's Loneliest Chatroom!
A place for notes related to learning Javascript.
A web app inspired from Kickstarter but all transactions are deployed on Ethereum's Sepolia Test network