rmasiso / SchemaEncodeRecall

Code for analyzing brain timeseries data during movie watching/audio listening and during their free recall of movie/audio stimuli.

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Schema representations in distinct brain networks support narrative memory during encoding and retrieval

Code for the paper Masís-Obando, Norman, & Baldassano. Schema representations in distinct brain networks support narrative memory during encoding and retrieval

Project Organization

You should set up a parent folder with two subfolders, one called "SchemaBigFiles" (or whatever you want) and the other can be a clone of this repository which will be named "SchemaEncodeRecall".

ParentFolder # parent folder
├── SchemaBigFiles # folder for larger files that are generated from analysis
│	└──_PaperOutputData
│          ├── Brainmaps 								
│          ├── roi_percept_score
│          ├── roi_percept_score_predictions
│          ├── roi_recall_score
│          ├── roi_recall_score_predictions
│          ├── sl_percept_score
│          ├── sl_percept_score_model_comparisons
│          ├── sl_percept_score_predictions
│          ├── sl_recall_score
│          ├── sl_recall_score_model_comparisons
│          └── sl_recall_score_predictions
└── SchemaEncodeRecall # This Repository                           
    ├── _analysis	     # folder with scripts and notebooks
    │   └── figs	      # folder for saved figure .pngs
    └── _data          # some of smaller size data
        ├── kmeans     # folder for outputs used for kmeans analysis
        ├── ROIs       # folder with different cortical and hippocampal ROIs
        └── Rubrics    # rubrics also available at https://osf.io/fxwg2/?view_only=d5b13bee9a2f4eb882d7533cbc1be1c4


Both encoding and recall neural data in BIDS format is available at OpenNeuro.


After downloading both the encoding and recall data, preprocess and obtain surface data in fsaverage6 resolution.

General notes on parallel processing

To run the searchlights and specific ROI analyses, the SLURM scheduler (on servers mantained by the Princeton Neuroscience Institute) was used. Scripts and commands (e.g., “sbatch”) in this repository include the necessary formulations to work on SLURM.

In some of the scripts below, module load pyger was used to instantiate a virtual environment with python 3.6 installed.

Because the most recent date used to generate the code was 20211014, you will find that the commands in this repository contain this date.

Run code below through instructions chronologically.

======== Main Analyses ========

Instructions for generating the main text results.

Figure 1

Memory Scores

  1. Run the jupyter notebook 00_MemoryPerformance_Fig1.ipynb to generate the file normalizedRubricScores_byStory.pkl which contains the quantified memory performance for each story for each subject.
  2. We will need this later for relating the neural scores to behavior.

Figure 2

Story and schema scores for searchlights and specific a priori ROIs


encoding searchlights

sbatch 02_PerceptionStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L within_modality
sbatch 02_PerceptionStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R within_modality

encoding ROIs

sh 02_PerceptionStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality

reinstatement searchlights

sbatch 02_RecallStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L within_modality
sbatch 02_RecallStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R within_modality

reinstatement ROIs

sh  02_RecallStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality


Searchlight analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 2
  3. Run to save brainmaps in desired output directory

ROI analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 2
  3. Run to output violin plots

Figure 3:

Predicting behavioral memory for story details with neural measures from encoding and recall.


encoding searchlights

sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L sl_percept_score within_modality
sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R sl_percept_score within_modality

reinstatement searchlights

sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L sl_recall_score within_modality
sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R sl_recall_score within_modality

encoding AND reinstatement ROIs:

  1. In 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh, make sure that rois=( PMC mPFC PHC Ang SFG )
  2. sh 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality


Searchlight analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 3
  3. Run to save brainmaps in desired output directory

ROI analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 3
  3. Run to output violin plots

Figure 4

Regions with significant schema effects and positive associations with subsequent memory.


sh 03S2_SchemaBenefitModelComparisons_step1.sh 2021014


  1. In the notebook titled ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps find the cell labeled Figure 4
  2. Run the cells under it.
  3. Files will be saved in the default or (your desired) directory.

Figure 5

Mediation analysis with mPFC subclusters.

(1) Generate Clusters

  1. First we have to run the silhouette analysis and save out the clusters.
  2. Go to the jupyter notebook: 05_Kmeans.ipynb and run all the cells.
  3. The clusters will be saved into /_data/ as mPFC_c0.h5 and mPFC_c1.h5

(2) Create Encoding and Reinstatement Story and Schema Scores

Run the encoding and reinstatement story and schema scores:


  1. Open 02_PerceptionStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh
  2. Uncomment the second “rois” line argument that contains rois=( mPFC_k2_c0 mPFC_k2_c1 )
  3. Run in terminal with: sh 02_PerceptionStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality


  1. Open 02_RecallStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh
  2. Uncomment the second “rois” line argument that contains rois=( mPFC_k2_c0 mPFC_k2_c1 )
  3. Run in terminal with: sh 02_RecallStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality

(3) Use scores in step 2 to predict behavior

  1. Open 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh
  2. Uncomment the second “rois” line argument that contains rois=( mPFC_k2_c0 mPFC_k2_c1 )
  3. Run in terminal with: sh 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality

(4) Visualize post-hoc mPFC subclusters results

  1. Open _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the section titled: Figure5; mPFC cluster results
  3. Run the cells to output the bar graphs.

(5) Run Mediation Analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook 05_Mediation.ipynb
  2. Run all the cells

======== Supplementary Analyses ========

Instructions for generating the supplementary results.

Figure 2 - Supp 1

Encoding and Reinstatement Story and Schema Within-Subjects


encoding searchlights

sbatch 02S1_PerceptionStorySchema_WithinSubj_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L 
sbatch 02S1_PerceptionStorySchema_WithinSubj_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R

encoding ROIs

sh 02S1_PerceptionStorySchema_WithinSubj_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 

reinstatement searchlights

sbatch 02S1_RecallStorySchema_WithinSubj_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L
sbatch 02S1_RecallStorySchema_WithinSubj_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R

reinstatement ROIs

sh 02S1_RecallStorySchema_WithinSubj_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014


Searchlight Analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 2
  3. Uncomment the line extra = within_modality_within_subj
  4. Run to save brainmaps in desired output directory

ROI Analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 2
  3. Uncomment the line extra = within_modality_within_subj
  4. Run to output violin plots

Figure 2 - Supp 2

Encoding and Reinstatement Story and Schema Across-Modality


encoding searchlights

sbatch 02_PerceptionStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L across_modality
sbatch 02_PerceptionStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R across_modality

reinstatement Searchlights

sbatch 02_RecallStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L across_modality
sbatch 02_RecallStorySchema_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R across_modality

encoding ROIs

  1. In 02_PerceptionStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh, make sure that rois=( PMC mPFC PHC Ang SFG )
  2. sh 02_PerceptionStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 across_modality

reinstatement ROIs

  1. In 02_RecallStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh, make sure that rois=( PMC mPFC PHC Ang SFG )
  2. sh 02_RecallStorySchema_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 across_modality


Searchlight Analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 2
  3. Uncomment the line extra = ‘across_modality’
  4. Run to save brainmaps in desired output directory

ROI Analysis

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 2
  3. Uncomment the line extra = ‘across_modality’
  4. Run to output violin plots

Figure 3–Figure Supp 1

Predicting PMC reinstatement story scores with encoding schema scores across cortex.

  1. To find associations with PMC’s reinstatement story score and the rest of the brain’s encoding schema score, run the following line:
sbatch 03S1_SeedtoSL_step1.sh 20211014 PMC roi_recall_score story_effect SL sl_percept_score schema_effect
  1. A brainmap will be saved in the default directory ../../SchemaBigFiles/_PaperOutputData/Brainmaps’

Figure 3–Figure Supp 2

Behavioral memory benefit of neural schema scores


sh 03S2_SchemaBenefitModelComparisons_step1.sh 

Saves searchlight results under a folder called sl_percept_score_model_comparisons and sl_recall_score_model_comparisons for the benefit analysis at encoding and retrieval, respectively.


  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled: Figure 3 - Supplement 2
  3. Run the cell
  4. Brainmap will be saved in ../../SchemaBigFiles/_PaperOutputData under model comparisons

Figure 3–Figure Supp 3

Predicting behavioral memory for story details with neural measures from encoding and recall within-subjects.


encoding searchlights

sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L sl_percept_score within_modality_within_subj
sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R sl_percept_score within_modality_within_subj

reinstatement searchlights

sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L sl_recall_score within_modality_within_subj
sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R sl_recall_score within_modality_within_subj


For both encoding and reinstatement: sh 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 within_modality_within_subj


Searchlight ANALYSIS

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 3
  3. Uncomment the line extra = 'within_modality_within_subj'
  4. Run to save brainmaps in desired output directory


  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 3
  3. Uncomment the line extra = 'within_modality_within_subj'
  4. Run to output violin plots

Figure 3–Figure supplement 4

Predicting behavioral memory for story details with neural measures from encoding and recall across-modality.


encoding searchlights

sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L sl_percept_score across_modality
sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R sl_percept_score across_modality

reinstatement searchlights

sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 L sl_recall_score across_modality
sbatch 03_Predictions_SLs_step1.sh 20211014 R sl_recall_score across_modality


For both encoding and reinstatement:

  1. In 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh, make sure that rois=( PMC mPFC PHC Ang SFG )

  2. sh 03_Predictions_ROIs_step0.sh 20211014 across_modality


Searchlight ANALYSIS

  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportSearchlightsGenerateMaps.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 3
  3. Uncomment the line extra = 'across_modality'
  4. Run to save brainmaps in desired output directory


  1. Open the jupyter notebook labeled: _ImportROIsSeeResults.ipynb
  2. Find the cell labeled Figure 3
  3. Uncomment the line extra = 'across_modality'
  4. Run to output violin plots


Code for analyzing brain timeseries data during movie watching/audio listening and during their free recall of movie/audio stimuli.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.6%Language:Python 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%