rifqifadh / dev-rn

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to dev-rn 👋

Version downloads License: ISC Maintenance

A reusabale component library


npm install dev-rn

This library needs react-native-svg & react-native-svg-transformer so go on and install that too. Check out Install guide react-native-svg, react-native-svg-transformer.


Dev RN uses a centralized theme to provide consistency across all the components.

Step 1. Import ThemeProvider and theme then wrap your root component.

This step is important. We are passing theme as context value that each component will access.

//your root component
import { ThemeProvider, theme } from 'dev-rn';

const App = () => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider value={theme}>
      <Root />

Step 2. Use component.

//inside any file
import { Button, Text } from 'dev-rn';

const MyScreen = () => {
  return (
    <Text.H1>Your Headline</Text.H1>
    <Text.Body1>Your Body</Text.Body1>
    <Button title="Press me" />


//theme.config.js at root
const yourFontFamily = {
  fontPrimaryMedium: 'Ubuntu-Medium'

const yourTheme = {
  colors: {
    basePrimaryDark: '#B63792',
    basePrimaryMain: '#B31E72',
    basePrimaryLight: 'rgba(179, 30, 114, 0.07)',

  typography: {
    h1: {
      fontSize: 24,
      fontFamily: yourFontFamily.fontPrimaryMedium,
      lineHeight: 36,


export default yourTheme;
import { ThemeProvider } from 'dev-rn';
import yourTheme from './theme.config'

const App = () => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider value={yourTheme}>
      <Root />

And we are done!

You can see all the configurations available on the theme page.

Run tests

npm run test

Components included:


👤 Egi Ari Wibowo

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Language:JavaScript 75.7%Language:Java 11.3%Language:Objective-C 8.1%Language:Starlark 3.5%Language:Ruby 1.4%