ricmua / tkinter_shapes

Simple tkinter wrappers intended to facilitate manipulation of shapes and polygons rendered on a canvas.

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title author date
a.whit ([email](mailto:nml@whit.contact))
October 2022


A Python package that implements simple tkinter wrappers that are intended to facilitate manipulation of shapes and polygons rendered on a canvas. The primary objective is to provide a simple, intuitive interface to a limited subset of Tk functionality.


The package can be used as-is, so long as the Python path is set appropriately.

However, a setup.cfg file has been provided, to facilitate package installation via setuptools. Package installation can be accomplished via the command:

pip install path/to/tkinter_shapes

Getting started

Perhaps the best way to introduce the package functionality is via an example.

The first step is to create a graphical user interface (GUI) window. Import the GUI class and create an instance.

>>> from tkinter_shapes import GUI
>>> gui = GUI()

Although the GUI might initialize without any issue, the top-level window itself will not be visible until the GUI is updated. This is a common mistake: the GUI or canvas must be updated before any changes are visible.

>>> gui.update()

Try resizing the GUI window.

>>> gui.dimensions = (800, 600)
>>> gui.update()

Shapes are drawn on a canvas widget. Initialize a canvas with a black background color.

>>> from tkinter_shapes import Canvas
>>> canvas = Canvas(gui)
>>> canvas.background_color = 'black'
>>> canvas.pack()
>>> gui.update()

Reshape the canvas to be a square that fills the available space.

>>> canvas.dimensions = (600, 600)
>>> canvas.update()

Initialize a circle on the canvas. The circle is drawn as a polygon. Set the number of polygon vertices to 1000, in order to draw a smooth shape.

>>> from tkinter_shapes import Circle
>>> circle = Circle(canvas=canvas, position=(100, 100), radius=50, N=1000)

The default color is black, so the circle will not be visible. Set the circle outline and fill color to blue.

>>> circle['outline'] = circle['fill'] = 'blue'
>>> canvas.update()

Query the dimensions of the circle bounding box, before and after resizing it.

>>> circle.dimensions
(100.0, 100.0)
>>> circle.radius = 40
>>> circle.dimensions
(80.0, 80.0)
>>> canvas.update()

Move the circle to the center of the canvas.

>>> circle.position = (300, 300)
>>> canvas.update()

Draw a red square, with sides of length equal to the radius of the circle.

>>> from tkinter_shapes import Polygon
>>> r = circle.radius
>>> vertices = [(-r, -r), (+r, -r), (+r, +r), (-r, +r)]
>>> square = Polygon(canvas=canvas, vertices=vertices, outline='red')
>>> canvas.update()

The square is drawn at the origin, so it is only partially visible. Move the square to overlap with, and obscure part of, the circle.

>>> square.position = circle.position
>>> canvas.update()

The square now matches the bounding box of the circle. Make the square transparent, to make the circle visible once again.

>>> square['fill'] = ''
>>> canvas.update()

Remove a vertex from the square polygon to convert it to an isosceles triangle.

>>> triangle = square
>>> triangle.vertices = square.vertices[1:]
>>> canvas.update()

Cleanup by deleting the shapes and destroying the GUI.

>>> del circle
>>> triangle.delete()
>>> gui.destroy()

Example doctests

The examples in this README are rendered in doctest format, and can be run via the following code:1

import doctest
doctest.testfile('README.md', module_relative=False)


Copyright 2022 Neuromechatronics Lab, Carnegie Mellon University

Created by: a. whit. (nml@whit.contact)

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


  1. Provided that the package is installed, or the Python path is otherwise set appropriately.


Simple tkinter wrappers intended to facilitate manipulation of shapes and polygons rendered on a canvas.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%