ricmua / ros_spheres_environment

ROS2 package for manipulating a virtual environment in which spherical objects interact in a 3D space.

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title author date
a.whit ([email](mailto:nml@whit.contact))
December 2022


A ROS2 package for manipulating a virtual environment in which spherical objects interact in a 3D space. This package is intended to be general and pluggable, to be used with any objects that implement the interfaces defined in the spheres_environment package. By wrapping such objects, this package makes their properties remotely accessible, via the ROS2 graph.


This package requires the spheres_environment Python package. This requirement must be installed prior to using this package.

This package can be added to any [ROS2 workspace]. ROS2 workspaces are built using [colcon]. See the installation documentation for further information.


See the testing documentation for further information.

Getting started

Perhaps the best way to get started is via a simple example. The code that follows must be run from within a [configured ROS2 environment].

First, create a spheres environment. This object organizes data structures and methods relevant to modeling a environment in which spherical objects interact in a 3D virtual space. This Python object is the interface to the virtual environment.

>>> import spheres_environment
>>> environment = spheres_environment.Environment()

Import the ROS2 Python library and initialize a ROS2 interface.

>>> import rclpy
>>> rclpy.init()

Define shorthand for updating (i.e., spinning) nodes in the ROS2 environment. This function briefly passes control to the ROS2 executor in order to allow it to process ROS2 messages. It will be necessary to spin nodes a number of times throughout this example, and this shorthand improves clarity.

>>> spin = lambda n: rclpy.spin_once(n, timeout_sec=0.010)

Create a pair of ROS2 nodes. One node will serve as a "client", and the other will function as a "server". The server wraps the virtual environment, and connects it to the ROS2 graph.

>>> import rclpy.node
>>> server_node = rclpy.node.Node('server')
>>> client_node = rclpy.node.Node('client')

Wrap the "server" node with the Server interface provided by this package. This interface / wrapper acts as "glue" that links the virtual environment to the ROS2 graph. Once this interface is initialized, messages that arrive on the appropriate ROS2 topics (e.g., objects/sphere/radius) will be routed to corresponding properties (e.g., radius) of objects in the virtual environment (examples to follow).

>>> from ros_spheres_environment import Server
>>> server = Server(node=server_node, environment=environment)

Wrap the "client" node with the 'Client' interface provided by this package. This interface effectively creates a remote mirror of the virtual environment, by implementing the interfaces defined in the spheres_environment package. The client can then be treated exactly as though it were the remote virtual environment, without any reference or knowledge of the ROS2 transmissions occuring "under the hood".

>>> from ros_spheres_environment import Client
>>> client = Client(node=client_node)

Before testing the client/server model, confirm that the environment is empty, in the baseline state.

>>> environment

Using the initialize_object method defined by the spheres_environment interface, use the client to create an object -- in this case, a sphere with the label cursor -- in the remote virtual environment. Briefly surrender control to ROS2 in order to allow the client node to send the appropriate message, and then again to allow the server node to receive and process it.

>>> client.initialize_object('cursor')
>>> spin(client_node)
>>> spin(server_node)

Confirm that the request from the client was received by the server, and that a new object was initialized in the remote environment. Note that the same outcome could have been accomplished by directly invoking the initialize_object method of the environment object. However, this example is meant to illustrate the capability of this package to facilitate interaction with a virtual environment in the case in which direct access to the environment is not feasible or desirable.

>>> environment
{'cursor': {}}

At baseline, the new object assumes default parameter values. This behavior is dictated by the spheres_environment package. At present, there is no mechanism for remotely querying parameter values.

>>> cursor = environment['cursor']
>>> cursor.radius
>>> cursor.position
{'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0}

The properties of the new sphere object can be remotely modified by setting the corresponding properties of the client. Update the radius of the sphere, and confirm the changes.

>>> client['cursor'].radius = 0.10
>>> spin(client_node)
>>> spin(server_node)

Similarly modify the position of the sphere.

>>> client['cursor'].position = (0.1, -0.5, 1.0)
>>> spin(client_node)
>>> spin(server_node)

Confirm that the changes have been effected in the virtual environment.

>>> environment
{'cursor': {'radius': 0.1, 'position': {'x': 0.1, 'y': -0.5, 'z': 1.0}}}

This concludes the example. Clean up the ROS2 nodes and shut down the ROS2 interface.

>>> client_node.destroy_node()
>>> server_node.destroy_node()
>>> rclpy.shutdown()

Example doctests

The examples in this README are rendered in doctest format, and can be run via the following code:1

import doctest
doctest.testfile('README.md', module_relative=False)

These tests can also be run from the command line:

python -m doctest path/to/ros_spheres_environment/README.md


A diagram and description of the system architecture is provided in the extended documentation.


Copyright 2022 Neuromechatronics Lab, Carnegie Mellon University

Created by: a. whit. (nml@whit.contact)

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


  1. Provided that the package is installed, or the Python path is otherwise set appropriately.


ROS2 package for manipulating a virtual environment in which spherical objects interact in a 3D space.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%