ricmua / example_ros_unity_3d_project

A Unity3D project that illustrates the basics of using a ROS2 interface.

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Example Unity-ROS2 project
a.whit ([email](mailto:nml@whit.contact))
January 2022

This repository contains an example Unity3D project that has been prepared for use with Git and ROS2. The example consists of a 3D scene containing a sphere that can be manipulated via ROS messages. This packages makes use of the ROS2-Unity interface created by Unity Technologies, and made available via the Unity Robotics Hub.

Getting started

This project is intended as an introduction to ROS-Unity integration, but it might also be used as a template or starting point for other projects. The installation and initial use are designed to be relatively straightforward. We recommend running through these steps before attempting to modify the project.

The repository itself is derived from the empty Unity3D project repository.


The following procedure has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04. The procedure will be slightly different, but very similar, for Windows 10. It is assumed that all steps are executed in a command terminal, or the Unity Editor, unless otherwise specified.

  1. Before proceeding, please ensure that both ROS2 and Unity3D are correctly installed and working.
  2. In a terminal, clone this repository to a local path:1
    git clone https://github.com/ricmua/example_ros_unity_3d_project.git /path/to/repository
  3. Initialize the git submodules:
    cd /path/to/repository
    git submodule update --init

Unity installation

  1. Open the Unity Editor.
  2. Install the Unity plugin for the ROS-TCP-Connector by following the instructions provided for ROS-Unity integration via the Unity Robotics Hub.
  3. Optional: Use the Unity message generation plugin to initialize C# scripts for any relevant messages. The following built-in message types have already been initialized for this example:
    • example_interfaces.msg.Float64
    • geometry_msgs.msg.Point
    • std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA
  4. Open the cloned project repository (e.g., /path/to/repository) using the File->Open Project menu item in the Unity Editor, or add the project via Unity Hub and then launch a new copy of the editor.
  5. Build the Unity project to create a binary, if desired. Alternatively -- as described in a later section -- the project can be run without building by entering Play Mode in the Unity Editor.

ROS installation

  1. Navigate to the ROS workspace included in the project:
    cd /path/to/repository/ros_workspace
  2. Source the ROS2 environment:
    source /path/to/ros/setup.bash
  3. Build the workspace:
colcon build

Running the example

  1. Run the Unity3D binary -- if built during installation -- or open the project in the Unity editor and enter play mode. This starts the GUI. A sphere should be displayed in 3D space.
  2. In a command terminal, navigate to the ROS workspace included in the project:
    cd /path/to/repository/ros_workspace
  3. Source the ROS2 environment:
    source /path/to/ros/setup.bash
  4. Source the ROS2 overlay workspace environment:
    source install/local_setup.bash
  5. Launch the example:
    ros2 launch launch/example.launch.py
  6. If everything functions properly, the sphere should move to random positions in the 3D scene every quarter second.
  7. Type Ctrl-C in the command terminal to terminate the ROS2 application.
  8. Shut down the Unity scene by exiting the application or exiting Play Mode.


TODO: Expand documentation related to modification of this example.

ROS topics

The C# script in this example initializes three ROS topic subscriptions; each for manipulating a different property of the sphere object. Each topic name consists of a relative namespace -- determined by the name of the sphere game object -- followed by a property identifier. Since it is used to determine the topic namespace, the game object must have a name that agrees with ROS naming conventions. For example, given a Unity Sphere primitive with the name Sphere1, the following ROS topics would be initialized:

  • Sphere1/position
  • Sphere1/color
  • Sphere1/radius

The message types for the topics are as follows:

Coordinate systems

When a position message is received via the position topic subscription, the 3D vector data contained in the message is first transformed, before applying the new posiiton to the sphere object. This transformation is necessary because ROS and Unity use different coordinate systems, by default. As noted in the documentation for the ROSGeometry component of the ROS-TCP-Connector package:

In Unity, the X axis points right, Y up, and Z forward. ROS, on the other hand, supports various coordinate frames: in the most commonly-used one, X points forward, Y left, and Z up. In ROS terminology, this frame is called "FLU" (forward, left, up), whereas the Unity coordinate frame would be "RUF" (right, up, forward).

Instances of this class assume that incoming data uses the FLU coordinate system. Vectors are converted the data to the RUF coordinate system before use in the Unity scene.


The C# script provided in this example is meant to be attached to a Unity game object -- generally by dragging and dropping in the Unity Editor. Here, it is assumed that the game object is a sphere, but that is not strictly necessary.

To manipulate the game object, position, color, and size modifications are requested via ROS topics.


Copyright 2021 Neuromechatronics Lab, Carnegie Mellon University

Created by: a. whit. (nml@whit.contact)

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


  1. Assumes git LFS is installed. On Ubuntu: sudo apt install git-lfs.


A Unity3D project that illustrates the basics of using a ROS2 interface.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:C# 70.6%Language:Python 29.4%