richardbiely / Voxelmetric

An efficient voxel framework for Unity3d

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

some block faces at chunk borders not generated

XeonG opened this issue · comments


Image of Voxelmetric

just checking the newer commits seems still a few problems with the geometry, also will you be doing the shader to fix the stretched texture surfaces soon?


just noticed that AO on the chunk borders is also a problem now, including the colored blocks

just checking the newer commits seems still a few problems with the geometry

What are your settings? I haven't seen this, yet. It would be best if you sent me your world's save files so that I can reproduce it.

also will you be doing the shader to fix the stretched texture surfaces soon?

When I get to it. You can set "w" and "h" variables in CubeMeshBuilder.cs to 1 for the time being.

just noticed that AO on the chunk borders is also a problem now, including the colored blocks

Yes, I know. Will fix that when I get to it. However, once again, don't report multiple issues per ticket please.

I think I have reproduced it. There's no need to send anything.


The above screenshot was the latest commit (in a new folder), pressed 't' and placed some blocks..

so everything default no changes.. was no worldsave

"You can set "w" and "h" variables in CubeMeshBuilder.cs to 1 for the time being."
oh thanks ...I just tried it but no dice.. are you sure, can you give example?

yeh i'll try keep issues separate in future

Could you please check whether the issue still persists even after
32e6582 ?
There was an issue with synchronizing neighbor blocks after a ranged operation.


yup that seems to be fixed now thanks.