rgleichman / bulletsim

Simulation environment with Bullet physics

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Simulation environment with Bullet physics

** Linux Compilation for Alex's branch **

Install the required dependencies using apt-get (this is incomplete):
  sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-desktop-full libopenscenegraph-dev cmake-curses-gui python-networkx
Maybe these ones too:
  sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-openni-camera ros-fuerte-openni-launch

Prepare to install openrave:
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openrave/release
  sudo apt-get update
Now, open the synaptic ('sudo synaptic') gui:
If the above doesn't appear in synaptic, in the terminal do these first and then do the synaptic step again:
  sudo apt-get remove openrave*
  sudo apt-get update

Let BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR be the bullesim directory (i.e. the directory cloned by 'git clone git@github.com:hojonathanho/bulletsim.git').
Make a build directory, preferrably outside BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR. Let BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR be this build directory.

Set these two as environment variables. For example (replace with the actual directories):
  echo 'export BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR=~/rll/bulletsim' >> ~/.bashrc
  echo 'export BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR=~/rll/build' >> ~/.bashrc
Restart the terminal and run the following:

# Setup build directories
mkdir bulletsim_msgs
mkdir bulletsim

# Generate makefiles, compile and install bulletsim_msgs
cd $BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bulletsim_msgs
cmake $BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR/bulletsim_msgs
make -j
sudo make install

# Generate makefile and compile bulletsim
make -j

# Make a link between every binary in the build directory and a new package in ros named binary_symlinks
roscreate-pkg binary_symlinks
cd binary_symlinks
mkdir bin
cd bin
for node in $BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bulletsim/bin/* ; do ln -s $node ; done

** Test tracking **
$BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bulletsim/bin/tracker_node --cameraTopics=kinect1
roslaunch point_clouds.launch online:=false filename:=sample_rope

$BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bulletsim/bin/tracker_node --cameraTopics=kinect1
roslaunch point_clouds.launch online:=false filename:=sample_cloth

$BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bulletsim/bin/tracker_node --cameraTopics=kinect1 --cameraTopics=kinect2
roslaunch multi_point_clouds.launch online:=false filename:=knot_tie

$BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bulletsim/bin/tracker_node --cameraTopics=kinect1 --cameraTopics=kinect2
roslaunch multi_point_clouds.launch online:=false filename:=double_fold

** Add a new ros node **
Add the source file (node.cpp) to the respective CMakeLists.txt file.

  roscd binary_symlinks
  cd bin
  ln -s BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bin/node

** Add a new ros msg **
Save the msg file in BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR/bulletsim_msgs/msg
Add the msg file to the BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR/bulletsim_msgs/CMakeLists.txt file.

In BULLETSIM_BUILD_DIR/bullesim_msgs , run
  sudo make install

** Launch files in $BULLETSIM_SOURCE_DIR/launch **

    Publishes point clouds from a kinect or from a bagfile (online:=false filename:=sample)
    Drop some point clouds
    Preprocess (segments) the dropped point clouds

    Publishes point clouds from two kinects or from two bagfiles (online:=false filename:=sample)
    Drop some point clouds
    Merges the dropped point clouds
    Preprocesses (segments) the merged point clouds

  record_cloud.launch and record_two_clouds.launch
    Records point clouds

Example 1: One kinect
  # Get live point clouds from the kinect and record them to a bagfile
  roslaunch point_clouds.launch
  roslaunch record_cloud.launch filename:=sample

  # Replay from the saved bagfile
  roslaunch point_clouds.launch online:=false filename:=sample

Example 2: Two kinects
  # Get live point clouds from two kinects and record them to two bagfiles
  roslaunch multi_point_clouds.launch
  roslaunch record_two_clouds.launch filename:=sample

  # Replay from the saved bagfile
  roslaunch multi_point_clouds.launch online:=false filename:=sample

  When replaying, use_sim_time needs to be true. This is set automatically, but for all nodes to see this change, they need to be restarted (including rviz).


Simulation environment with Bullet physics


Language:C++ 66.4%Language:C 25.6%Language:Logos 5.4%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:Objective-C 0.9%Language:Python 0.2%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:Lua 0.1%Language:Perl 0.0%Language:Ruby 0.0%