rggen / rggen

Code generation tool for control and status registers

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[Request] Add support for library name

SzymonHitachi opened this issue · comments

When building rggen standalone through. e.g. tsfpga build system, by default rggen is put in a library named rggen. This is not an issue when referencing internal modules, however the generated final csr block will need to use the library name it was compiled to.

To achieve this, the output file of register block needs to have changed use work.rggen_rtl.all; in a way that instead of work, another library name can be passed. Either through command line or input file.

Using a library also requires a library statement.

if using work by default keep

use work.rggen_rtl.all

however if using a library e.g. SOME_LIB

then the header requires to be:

library SOME_LIB;
use SOME_LIB.rggen_rtl.all;

Additionally the entity calls will need to be updated to:

entity SOME_LIB.rggen_axi4lite_adapter

This change is relevant only for the top block modules instantiated in user design.

Hi @SzymonHitachi ,

Thank you for opening the issue!
How about adding new property for this purpose to the configuration file like below?

address_width: 16
bus_width: 32
library_name: SOME_LIB

This is a sample generated file with the library change.
Is this matched with your need?

I like the idea. This way we are able to tell rggen in what library it will be actually compiled :)

Common modules also use the library work like below.

Do we need to change these line?

In theory you do not need to because work is not exactly a library. It's a designator of this or self which means "search the current scope I am within". so if we compile every rggen file with work. in SOME_LIB library, then they will reference whatever is in SOME_LIB only. It's the outermost (so the ones that are included in user project and call SOME_LIB.rggen) modules that require this. (But it's worth testing before)

Hi @SzymonHitachi ,
I've pushed commits for this feature to the add_library_name_property branch.
Can you check if these commits work well on your side?

$ git clone https://github.com/rggen/rggen-vhdl.git
$ cd rggen-vhdl
$ git switch add_library_name_property
$ rggen --plugin ./lib/rggen/vhdl.rb --enable vhdl --o out -c path/to/your/conig.yaml path/to/your/regster_map.yaml

Hi, I'm using xlsx only atm ^^ how should i update the sheet to add the library name?

You don't need to change your XSLX register map but need to update your config file like below.

address_width: 16
bus_width: 32
protocol: apb
library_name: SOME_LIB # add this line

So the library change works, but the code is no longer synthesizing:
With the error:
[Synth 8-10097] type error near i ; current type integer; expected type unresolved_unsigned
Which seems to be related to the below changes:

Can you change this line like below and try again?

OFFSET_ADDRESS => x"0"+4*i

Fixes the previous issue but now somethings off with address decoder?

for CSR with ADDRESS_WIDTH: positive := 8;

How about this?

OFFSET_ADDRESS => x"00"+4*i

This one seems to fix the issues, probably due to vector size.

Thanks for confirming.
I will open a ticket to fix this error.

@SzymonHitachi ,

I've released rggen-vhdl plugin v0.10.0. This version includes fixes for #196 and #197.

Can you update the plugin and confirm if your issue is resolved?
How to update:

gem update -NE rggen-vhdl

I confirm it works as expected. Thank you. Nicely done :) Can continue my experiments now 👍