rggen / rggen

Code generation tool for control and status registers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Label for field values

taichi-ishitani opened this issue · comments

This is to allow users to name a field value.

  • name
  • value
  • comment

For ruby, yaml, json and toml, an aarray of hash is used for notation like below.

  - { name: foo, value: 0x00, comment: FOO value }
  - { name: bar, value: 0xff, comment: BAR value }

For spredsheet:

  • an empty line is used as a separator between each hashes
  • a newline or a comma , character is used as a separator between each hash elements
name: foo
value: 0x00
command: FOO value

name: bar, value, 0xff, comment: BAR value

labels column is inserted between reference column and comment column. See the screanshot below.


C header file and Verilog plugin have not yet supported this feature.