rcj9719 / Procedural-lab06-debugging

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Create a Shadertoy account. Either fork this shadertoy, or create a new shadertoy and copy the code from the Debugging Puzzle.

Let's practice debugging! We have a broken shader. It should produce output that looks like this: Unbelievably beautiful shader

It don't do that. Correct THREE of the FIVE bugs that are messing up the output. You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to work with a partner and pair program to force you to talk about your debugging thought process out loud.

Extra credit if you can find all FIVE bugs.


Team members: Joanna Fisch, Rhuta Joshi


Line No. Artifact/Issue that helped in identification Correction
99 Compile time error, vec not found Replaced vec with vec2
102 Made the image appear flat or with incorrect resolution Passed remapped uv2 instead of uv to rayCast function
11 Everything appeared stretched along x axis iResolution.x/iResolution.x replaced with iResolution.x/iResolution.y
76 Reflection not working, spheres looked flat shaded Was reflecting eye about normal instead of dir about normal
18 Disappearing floor plane around edges of spheres Very small value of max ray steps, updated from 64 to 256

Corrected shadertoy link


  • Create a pull request to this repository
  • In the README, include the names of both your team members
  • In the README, create a link to your shader toy solution with the bugs corrected
  • In the README, describe each bug you found and include a sentence about HOW you found it.
  • Make sure all three of your shadertoys are set to UNLISTED or PUBLIC (so we can see them!)
