radarhere / pillow-depends

Pillow dependency sources -- cached for ci builds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pillow dependency sources -- cached for CI builds

Pillow Wheels

These are used in the Pillow Wheel Builder

GitHub Actions

These are used in GitHub Actions through the Pillow depends scripts


These are used in Pillow's AppVeyor configuration file like so:

- '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% --version'
- '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -m pip install --upgrade pip'
- curl -fsSL -o pillow-test-images.zip https://github.com/python-pillow/test-images/archive/main.zip
- 7z x pillow-test-images.zip -oc:\
- xcopy /S /Y c:\test-images-main\* c:\pillow\tests\images
- curl -fsSL -o nasm-win64.zip https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-pillow/pillow-depends/main/nasm-2.16.01-win64.zip
- 7z x nasm-win64.zip -oc:\
- choco install ghostscript --version=
- path c:\nasm-2.16.01;C:\Program Files\gs\gs10.00.0\bin;%PATH%
- cd c:\pillow\winbuild\
- ps: |
        c:\python38\python.exe c:\pillow\winbuild\build_prepare.py -v --depends=C:\pillow-depends\
- path C:\pillow\winbuild\build\bin;%PATH%


Pillow dependency sources -- cached for ci builds