rabbityl / lepard

[CVPR 2022, Oral] Learning Partial point cloud matching in Rigid and Deformable scenes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bug when updating data_root in 3dmatch.yaml file.

lucienchia opened this issue · comments

When updating the data_root, it keep routed to ${data_root} + 'train/rgbd-scenes-v2-scene_01/cloud_bin_1.pth' . Is this a bug? Secondly, there isnt a cloud_bin_1.pth anywhere even when downloading the datasets recommended in the link given.

use these commands, (from PREDATOR)
wget --no-check-certificate --show-progress https://share.phys.ethz.ch/~gsg/pairwise_reg/3dmatch.zip
unzip 3dmatch.zip
it will inflate dataset to .pth files