qwerty35 / px4_code2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code suite to manipulate multiple drone (server and client nodes)


  • qpOASES

    $ git clone https://github.com/coin-or/qpOASES.git
    $ cd path/to/qpOASES
    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fPIC
    $ sudo make install
  • mavros-*

    sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-mavros ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-mavros-msgs ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-mavros-extras 
    sudo chmod +x ./resource/install_geographic.sh 
    sudo ./resource/install_geographic.sh
    sudo usermod -a -G dialout <user>
    sudo usermod -a -G tty <user>
    sudo reboot


  • Mission : trajectory to be followed by a drone. Calling trigger() will set triggerTime.

    Usage = 1. load trajectory. 2. Call trigger


  • Takeoff : we use the yaw angle state when called takeoff service. Auto - triggered once mission uploaded. StartPose = curMavrosPose / Final pose = height in ui
  • Lock : Set cur pose as cur desired pose (NOTE = /mavros pose). If mission exists, deactivates it.
  • Land : starting pose = cur mavros pose / desired height = 0


rqt plugin (Ref)

First, create Qt application project with Qt creator inside of a project. All the UI (form file) and SLOT functions are composed only in the Qt project.

Include the files in CMakeList.txt under qtx_wrap_cpp and build first. That will produce header and source in your catkin_ws. That's all we need to auto-complete in CLion. Don't forget the below in CLion cmake build setting:


rqt gui list

# Build your package 
catkin build px4_code2

# Check the plugins are loaded correctly
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui --force-discover


  • PWM_ARM_* : for initial thrust when arming begins
  • Gain tuning : for small drone such as f330 size, the gain tuning was required. See resource folder
  • HAS_BARO = 0 : Disabling barometer was only available in 1.10.1. For the firmware, see resource folder. In the recent version, disabling barometer blocks EKF2 operation and QGC does not receive attitude info.
  • Do not use Pixhwak 4 mini. It caused a lot of abrupt increase in thrust.
  • Land detection



Language:C++ 94.7%Language:CMake 3.4%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:QMake 0.9%