quackle / quackle

Quackle crossword game artificial intelligence and analysis tool

Repository from Github https://github.comquackle/quackleRepository from Github https://github.comquackle/quackle

Quackle Icon

CI builds

Crossword game artificial intelligence and analysis tool.

See LICENSE in this directory.

Building Quackle:

Quackle runs automated GitHub CI builds on Qt 5.12 and 5.15, so it should work with any Qt version in that range. See README.MacOS and README.Windows for platform-specific instructions. Generally:

Clone the repo or download the tarball and untar. Use cmake to build quacker, which will automatically build quackle and quackleio:

cd quacker
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

The binary will build as 'Quackle'.

If you're building with Qt provided by cmake, then invoke cmake as...

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path_to_vcpkg>/installed/<arch>" ..

The Quackle cmake build system uses Qt5 by default. But you can specify Qt6 by invoking...

cmake -DQT_VERSION=6 ..

File organization:

  • quackle/ - libquackle sources. libquackle is the engine, and can be linked to any convenient interface. It does not use Qt.
  • quackle/quackleio/ - I/O library for Quackle. Implements stuff for accessing dictionaries, serializing GCG files, etc. Also, command-line option handling. This does have some modest dependencies on Qt.
  • quackle/quacker/ - code for full Quackle UI. Written in Qt, and requires libquackleio and libquackle.
  • quackle/makeminidawg/ - standalone console program for building Quackle dictionaries.
  • quackle/makegaddag/ - standalone console program for building gaddag files.
  • quackle/data/ - lexicons, strategy files, and alphabet resources for Quackle. In this directory is libquackle. Run qmake and then run make in this directory. Then cd to quackle/quackleio/, run qmake, and then run make.

olaughlin@gmail.com jasonkatzbrown@gmail.edu jfultz@wolfram.com matt.liberty@gmail.com


Quackle crossword game artificial intelligence and analysis tool



Language:C++ 80.8%Language:Common Lisp 10.8%Language:Perl 1.6%Language:Clojure 1.5%Language:C 1.2%Language:Python 0.8%Language:QMake 0.7%Language:CMake 0.6%Language:Ruby 0.5%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:SWIG 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Lua 0.2%Language:Inno Setup 0.2%Language:Go 0.0%