A curated list of awesome Matlab frameworks, libraries and software.
- PRML/PRMLT - Matlab code for machine learning algorithms in book PRML
- rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox - Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started.
- matlab2tikz/matlab2tikz - This program converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures for smooth integration into LaTeX.
- altmany/export_fig - A MATLAB toolbox for exporting publication quality figures
- pdollar/toolbox - Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox
- HuangCongQing/Algorithms_MathModels - 【国赛】【美赛】数学建模相关算法 MATLAB实现(2018年初整理)
- andrewssobral/lrslibrary - Low-Rank and Sparse Tools for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos
- trekhleb/machine-learning-octave - 🤖 MatLab/Octave examples of popular machine learning algorithms with code examples and mathematics being explained
- kyamagu/mexopencv - Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library
- scottclowe/matlab-schemer - Apply and save color schemes in MATLAB with ease.
- martin-danelljan/ECO - Matlab implementation of the ECO tracker.
- piermorel/gramm - Gramm is a complete data visualization toolbox for Matlab. It provides an easy to use and high-level interface to produce publication-quality plots of complex data with varied statistical visualizations. Gramm is inspired by R's ggplot2 library.
- petercorke/robotics-toolbox-matlab - Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB
- cszn/IRCNN - Learning Deep CNN Denoiser Prior for Image Restoration (CVPR, 2017) (Matlab)
- fieldtrip/fieldtrip - The MATLAB toolbox for MEG, EEG and iEEG analysis
- votchallenge/vot-toolkit - Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge evaluation toolkit
- XgTu/2DASL - The code (pytorch for testing & matlab for 3D plot and evaluation) for our project: Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Face Alignment from A Single Image with 2D-Assisted Self-Supervised Learning (2DASL)
- alecjacobson/gptoolbox - Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing.
- bayesnet/bnt - Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
- posenhuang/deeplearningsourceseparation - Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Source Separation
- benfulcher/hctsa - Highly comparative time-series analysis code repository
- cszn/SRMD - Learning a Single Convolutional Super-Resolution Network for Multiple Degradations (CVPR, 2018) (Matlab)
- panditanvita/BTCpredictor - Bitcoin price prediction algorithm using bayesian regression techniques
- ZJULearning/MatlabFunc - Matlab codes for feature learning
- BIMK/PlatEMO - Evolutionary multi-objective optimization platform
- AtsushiSakai/MATLABRobotics - MATLAB sample codes for mobile robot navigation
- yechengxi/LightNet - Efficient, transparent deep learning in hundreds of lines of code.
- DrCoffey/DeepSqueak - DeepSqueak: A Deep Learning Based System for Quantification of Ultrasonic Vocalizations
- plotly/plotly-graphing-library-for-matlab - Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB®
- rodralez/NaveGo - NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis.
- zhzhanp/TCDCN-face-alignment - Matlab implementation of facial landmark detection by deep multi-task learning
- yalmip/YALMIP - MATLAB toolbox for optimization modeling
- anilbas/3DMMasSTN - MatConvNet implementation for incorporating a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) into a Spatial Transformer Network (STN)
- gpeyre/matlab-toolboxes - Contains all my Matlab toolboxes.
- layumi/Image-Text-Embedding - TOMM2020 Dual-Path Convolutional Image-Text Embedding https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05535
- dch33/Quad-Sim - A package of documentation and software supporting MATLAB/Simulink based dynamic modeling and simulation of quadcopter vehicles for control system design
- banterle/HDR_Toolbox - HDR Toolbox for processing High Dynamic Range (HDR) images into MATLAB and Octave
- kyunghyuncho/deepmat - Matlab Code for Restricted/Deep Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders
- davidvarga/MBeautifier - MBeautifier is a MATLAB source code formatter, beautifier. It can be used directly in the MATLAB Editor and it is configurable.
- fangq/jsonlab - JSONLab: a native JSON/UBJSON/MassagePack encoder/decoder for MATLAB/Octave
- flatironinstitute/CaImAn-MATLAB - Complete Matlab pipeline for large scale calcium imaging data analysis
- ChenJoya/Vehicle_Detection_Recognition - This is a Matlab lesson design for vehicle detection and recognition. Using cifar-10Net to training a RCNN, and finetune AlexNet to classify. Thanks to Cars Dataset:http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car_dataset.html
- sergeyk/selective_search_ijcv_with_python - Simple Python script to compute Selective Search proposals in Matlab.
- MATPOWER/matpower - MATPOWER – steady state power flow simulation and optimization for MATLAB and Octave
- sccn/eeglab - EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD
- filipradenovic/cnnimageretrieval - CNN Image Retrieval in MatConvNet: Training and evaluating CNNs for Image Retrieval in MatConvNet
- masumhabib/PlotPub - Publication quality plot in MATLAB.
- RANSAC/RANSAC-Toolbox - A toolbox to experiment with the RANSAC algorithm for Matlab and Octave
- huashiyiqike/LSTM-MATLAB - LSTM-MATLAB is Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) in MATLAB, which is meant to be succinct, illustrative and for research purpose only. It is accompanied with a paper for reference: Revisit Long Short-Term Memory: An Optimization Perspective, NIPS deep learning workshop, 2014.
- MatthewPeterKelly/OptimTraj - A trajectory optimization library for Matlab
- harishrithish7/Fall-Detection - Human Fall Detection from CCTV camera feed
- goGPS-Project/goGPS_MATLAB - goGPS MATLAB is an advanced GNSS observation processing software.
- marianux/ecg-kit - A Matlab toolbox for cardiovascular signal processing
- USNavalResearchLaboratory/TrackerComponentLibrary - This is a collection of Matlab functions that are useful in the development of target tracking algorithms.
- lacerbi/bads - Bayesian Adaptive Direct Search (BADS) optimization algorithm for model fitting in MATLAB
- karpathy/Random-Forest-Matlab - A Random Forest implementation for MATLAB. Supports arbitrary weak learners that you can define.
- mattools/matGeom - Matlab geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing
- mtompkins/openAlgo - 💹 openAlgo is a public repository for various work product relavant to algorithms and the high frequency low latency electronic trading space with a bias toward market microstructure as well as exchange traded futures and options.
- covartech/PRT - Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB
- Mayankm96/Stereo-Odometry-SOFT - MATLAB Implementation of Visual Odometry using SOFT algorithm
- dingzeyuli/knn-matting - Source Code for KNN Matting, CVPR 2012 / TPAMI 2013. MATLAB code ready to run. Simple and robust implementation under 40 lines.
- Aiwiscal/ECG-ML-DL-Algorithm-Matlab - Basic Algorithm For Beginners
- ori-mrg/robotcar-dataset-sdk - Software Development Kit for the Oxford Robotcar Dataset
- markostam/active-noise-cancellation - Active noise cancellation using various algorithms (FxLMS, FuLMS, NLMS) in Matlab, VST and C
- cvxr/CVX - A MATLAB system for disciplined convex programming
- lucklab/erplab - ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.
- yihui-he/panorama - Image alignment and stitching with MATLAB
- OpenOCL/OpenOCL - Open Optimal Control Library for Matlab. Trajectory Optimization and non-linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) toolbox.
- KuangJuiHsu/DeepCO3 - [CVPR19] DeepCO3: Deep Instance Co-segmentation by Co-peak Search and Co-saliency (Oral paper)
- jimmy-ren/vcnn_double-bladed - Vectorized implementation of convolutional neural networks (CNN) in Matlab for both visual recognition and image processing.
- dlaptev/RobustPCA - Robust PCA implementation and examples (Matlab)
- singaxiong/SignalGraph - Matlab-based deep learning toolkit that supports arbitrary directed acyclic graphs (DAG). Support DNN, LSTM, CNN layers and many signal processing layers. Include recipes/examples of using the tool for various tasks.
- hiroyuki-kasai/NMFLibrary - MATLAB library for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF): Version 1.8.0
- waps101/3DMM_edges - Matlab implementation of algorithm for fitting 3D Morphable Model to images using edge features
- utiasSTARS/msckf-swf-comparison - MATLAB code and data for our CRV 2015 paper
- tiepvupsu/DICTOL - DICTOL - A Dictionary Learning Toolbox in Matlab and Python
- AaronX121/Clustering - Clustering / Subspace Clustering Algorithms on MATLAB
- mbrossar/FUSION2018 - Matlab code used for the paper "Unscented Kalman Filtering on Lie Groups for Fusion of IMU and Monocular Vision"
- mtex-toolbox/mtex - MTEX is a free Matlab toolbox for quantitative texture analysis. Homepage:
- cvxr/TFOCS - A MATLAB toolbox for building first-order solvers for convex models.
- David-Guo/face_recognize - Matlab PCA 人脸识别
- petercorke/machinevision-toolbox-matlab - Machine Vision Toolbox for MATLAB
- lacerbi/optimviz - Visualize optimization algorithms in MATLAB.
- charlienash/nricp - Matlab implementation of non-rigid iterative closest point
- hpatches/hpatches-benchmark - Python & Matlab code for local feature descriptor evaluation with the HPatches dataset.
- dustinstansbury/medal - Matlab Environment for Deep Architecture Learning
- xinychen/academic-drawing - Providing codes (including Matlab and Python) for visualizing numerical experiment results.
- NicolasBoumal/manopt - Manopt, a Matlab toolbox for optimization on manifolds
- tntrung/sdm_face_alignment - The Matlab implementation of Supervised Descent Method (SDM) for Face Alignment.
- cerr/CERR - Matlab based platform for Radiological Research
- sun11/sw-sift - Matlab implementation of sift(opensift) algorithm.
- hliangzhao/Mathematical-Model-Implementation - 给出了作者本人参与的数学建模竞赛中所使用的相关算法的MATLAB实现。
- faridani/MatlabNLP - Natural Language Processing tools for MATLAB
- TheAlgorithms/MATLAB-Octave - This repository contains algorithms written in MATLAB/Octave. Developing algorithms in the MATLAB environment empowers you to explore and refine ideas, and enables you test and verify your algorithm.
- lmthang/nmt.matlab - Code to train state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation systems.
- ktekeli/audio-steganography-algorithms - A Library of Audio Steganography & Watermarking Algorithms
- LabForComputationalVision/matlabPyrTools - MatLab tools for multi-scale image processing, including Laplacian pyramids, Wavelets, and Steerable Pyramids
- 13952522076/CollaborativeFiltering - matlab, collaborative filtering, MovieLens dataset,The movie recommendation system
- jiayuzhou/MALSAR - Multi-task learning via Structural Regularization
- CSAILVision/LabelMeToolbox - MATLAB Toolbox for the LabelMe Image Database
- tminka/lightspeed - lightspeed matlab toolbox
- ricedsp/rwt - The Rice Wavelet Toolbox (RWT) is a collection of Matlab M-files and C MEX-files for 1D and 2D wavelet and filter bank design, analysis, and processing. The toolbox provides tools for denoising and interfaces directly with our Matlab code for wavelet domain hidden Markov models and wavelet regularized deconvolution.
- mvansegbroeck/vad - Voice Activity Detection system (Matlab-based implementation)
- GaoBoYu599/Optimization_Algorithm - 梯度下降、牛顿法、共轭梯度法、蒙特卡洛、模拟退火、粒子群、蚁群、全局最优搭配局部最优算法的matlab和python程序
- facebookarchive/pose-aligned-deep-networks - Pose Aligned Networks for Deep Attribute Modeling matlab code used for the publication here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.5591
- SheffieldML/GPmat - Matlab implementations of Gaussian processes and other machine learning tools.
- LyricYang/MIMO_OFDM - 《MIMO-OFDM无线通信技术及MATLAB实现》随书源码
- ImperialCollegeLondon/sap-voicebox - Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB
- jorgengrythe/beamforming - Matlab files for various types of beamforming
- simondlevy/SensorFusion - A simple Matlab example of sensor fusion using a Kalman filter
- lacerbi/vbmc - Variational Bayesian Monte Carlo (VBMC) algorithm for posterior and model inference in MATLAB
- ishit/L1Stabilizer - 🎥 Video stabilization using L1-norm optimal camera paths.
- fangq/iso2mesh - Iso2Mesh - a 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave
- jaderberg/python-matlab-bridge - A simple interface to allow Python to call MATLAB functions.
- Shuai-Xie/genetic-algorithm - 遗传算法 - Matlab
- Pjer-zhang/matlabPlotCheatsheet - A cheatsheet for those who plot with MATLAB
- raacampbell/shadedErrorBar - Produce elegant shaded error bars in MATLAB
- lmendo/MATL - A programming language based on MATLAB and suitable for code golfing
- vlfeat/autonn - A fast and expressive Matlab/MatConvNet deep learning API, with native automatic differentiation
- mvallieres/radiomics - MATLAB programming tools for radiomics analysis
- imistyrain/MatConvNet-oneclick - Train your own data with MatConvNet
- danaberman/non-local-dehazing - MATLAB implementation of the paper "Non-Local Image Dehazing", CVPR 2016
- JorgeGT/PlotRTL1090 - 3D visualization of air traffic through RTL-SDR (dump1090) and MATLAB
- XinLiGH/GyroAllan - 陀螺仪随机误差的 Allan 方差分析
- nctoolbox/nctoolbox - NCTOOLBOX A Matlab toolbox for working with common data model datasets
- jdelacroix/simiam - A MATLAB-based educational bridge between theory and practice in robotics.
- FengZhenhua/Wing-Loss - A Matlab Implementation for CNN-based Facial Landmark Localisation using Wing Loss
- Eurus-Holmes/Mathematical_Modeling - 🎊 Mathematical Modeling Algorithms and Applications
- dsoellinger/blind_image_quality_toolbox - Collection of Blind Image Quality Metrics in Matlab
- benhager/solarized-matlab - Solarized for MATLAB
- bbci/bbci_public - MATLAB toolbox for Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI)
- ShiMengjie/Machine-Learning-Andrew-Ng - 机器学习-Coursera-吴恩达- python+Matlab代码实现
- scatnet/scatnet - Scattering Network for Matlab
- IoSR-Surrey/MatlabToolbox - General purpose Matlab toolbox
- epfl-lts2/gspbox - Graph Signal Processing in Matlab
- canlab/CanlabCore - Core tools required for running Canlab Matlab toolboxes. The heart of this toolbox is object-oriented tools that enable interactive analysis of neuroimaging data and simple scripts using high-level commands tailored to neuroimaging analysis.
- XU-TIANYANG/LADCF - Matlab implementation of TIP2019 paper "Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking"
- yabata/pyrenn - A Recurrent Neural Network Toolbox for Python and Matlab
- Allopart/rbpf-gmapping - MatLab implementation of a Rao-Blacwellized Particle Filter for Grid- Based FastSlam
- yihui-he/3D-reconstruction - two view structure from motion
- wme7/Aero-matlab - My matlab homework files
- mstorath/Pottslab - Multilabel image segmentation (color/gray/multichannel) based on the Potts model (aka piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model)
- kts/matlab-midi - Matlab scripts to read and write MIDI files
- jaijuneja/ekf-slam-matlab - A Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping simulation in MATLAB
- danipascual/GNSS-matlab - Matlab codes to generate GNSS PRNs, secondary codes, dataless signals and spectra. Includes real data captures and a theory summary. GPS (L1CA, L2C, L5), Gaileo (E1OS, E5), BeiDou-2 (B1I)
- yang69/MIMO-OFDM-Wireless-Communications-with-MATLAB - MATLAB Code for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB | MIMO-OFDM无线通信技术及MATLAB实现
- sjtrny/Dark-Channel-Haze-Removal - MATLAB implementation of "Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior"
- SheffieldML/deepGP - Deep Gaussian Processes in matlab
- jluttine/matlab - A collection of MATLAB scripts
- geoscience-community-codes/GISMO - GISMO - a seismic data analysis toolbox for MATLAB
- XinLi-zn/TADT - Implementation of the TADT tracker of paper 'Target-Aware Deep Tracking'
- morriswmz/doa-tools - A set of MATLAB functions for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in array signal processing.
- flatironinstitute/NoRMCorre - Matlab routines for online non-rigid motion correction of calcium imaging data
- chengchengzi/Digital-Image-Processing - 冈萨雷斯《数字图像处理matlab版》第二版
- Qingbao/iris - Iris Recognition Algorithms Comparison between Daugman algorithm and Hough transform on Matlab
- MrGiovanni/Active-Learning - Official Matlab demo for AIFT - CVPR 2017
- Modi1987/KST-Kuka-Sunrise-Toolbox - A ToolBox for controlling KUKA iiwa robot from matlab:
- manur/MATLAB-git - A thin MATLAB wrapper for the Git source control system
- JacobD10/SoundZone_Tools - Signal Processing Tools for MATLAB
- csjunxu/TWSC-ECCV2018 - Matlab Code for "A Trilateral Weighted Sparse Coding Scheme for Real-World Image Denoising, ECCV 2018".
- fordanic/image-registration - A MATLAB library/toolbox providing access to image registration suitable for use with medical images.
- alexandrebarachant/covariancetoolbox - Covariance toolbox for matlab, including riemannian geometry
- xuzhenqi/cnn - This is a matlab-code implementation of convolutional neural network
- michaelchughes/NPBayesHMM - Nonparametric Bayesian Inference for Sequential Data. Includes state-of-the-art MCMC inference for Beta process Hidden Markov Models (BP-HMM). Implemented in Matlab.
- joncox123/Cortexsys - Matlab GPU Accelerated Deep Learning Toolbox
- stephenbeckr/fastRPCA - Matlab code for all variants of robust PCA and SPCP
- SheffieldML/vargplvm - Bayesian GPLVM in MATLAB and R
- johnyf/openstreetmap - Interface to OpenStreetMap (load maps, extract road connectivity, plot road network & find shortest path)
- bastibe/transplant - Transplant is an easy way of calling Matlab from Python
- suhangpro/epicflow - A Matlab wrapper for EpicFlow
- sfstoolbox/sfs-matlab - SFS Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- davidkun/HyperSpectralToolbox - HyperSpectral Matlab Toolbox forked from Sourceforge
- alexanderlerch/ACA-Code - Matlab scripts accompanying the book "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis" (www.AudioContentAnlysis.org)
- StackOverflowMATLABchat/NeuralNetPlayground - A MATLAB implementation of the TensorFlow Neural Networks Playground seen on http://playground.tensorflow.org/
- s7ev3n/MPC_Code - Model Predictive Control for autonomous vehicle trajectory tracking control, in Matlab.
- polarch/Spherical-Harmonic-Transform - A collection of MATLAB routines for the Spherical Harmonic Transform and related manipulations in the spherical harmonic spectrum.
- MBB-team/VBA-toolbox - The VBA toolbox
- tomdoel/pulmonarytoolkit - Lung medical image analysis and visualisation software for Matlab.
- tavildar/Polar - C and MATLAB implementation for Polar encoding and decoding
- robmaunder/polar-3gpp-matlab - Matlab simulations of the encoder and SCL decoder for the New Radio polar code from 3GPP Release 15
- christianwengert/calib_toolbox_addon - Hand-eye calibration addon for the Matlab camera calibration toolbox
- andrewssobral/mctc4bmi - Matrix and Tensor Completion for Background Model Initialization
- pglira/Point_cloud_tools_for_Matlab - Various point cloud tools for Matlab
- kakearney/boundedline-pkg - Plot line(s) with error bounds/confidence intervals/etc. in Matlab
- steven2358/kafbox - A Matlab benchmarking toolbox for kernel adaptive filtering
- Sohl-Dickstein/Minimum-Probability-Flow-Learning - Matlab code implementing Minimum Probability Flow Learning.
- PhDP/mlbop - Matlab code for S. Theodoridis' "Machine Learning: A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective" (2015).
- ayrna/orca - Ordinal Regression and Classification Algorithms
- andrewssobral/mtt - MATLAB Tensor Tools
- zlpure/Machine-Learning--Coursera - My Solution to Assignments of Machine-Learning on Coursera
- polarch/Spherical-Array-Processing - A collection of MATLAB routines for acoustical array processing on spherical harmonic signals, commonly captured with a spherical microphone array.
- mattools/matImage - Image Processing library for Matlab
- LazyFalcon/D_star_PathPlanning - Simple Matlab implementation of DLite, Focussed D, A*, for dynamic path planning for mobile robots
- dengwirda/mesh2d - MESH2D is a MATLAB-based Delaunay mesh generator for two-dimensional geometries.
- chris-taylor/USElection - MATLAB model to make predictions for the US 2012 election
- brian-lau/MatlabStan - Matlab interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference
- olzhas/rrt_toolbox - RRT, RRT*, RRT*FN algorithms for MATLAB
- StevenJL/tdoa_localization - Time delay of arrival localization algorithm in Matlab
- rafavzqz/geopdes - GeoPDEs: Isogeometric Analysis in Octave and Matlab, for research and teaching purposes.
- JianboTang/RNN_MATLAB - this is a matlab toolbox of deep learning about sequences learning, object-oriented,including rnn, lstm and encoder decoder(sequences to sequences) etc.GPU version is available
- horverno/sze-academic-robotics-projects - Various robotics related projects in various programming languages (MATLAB, LabVIEW, C#) and techniques (V-REP, ROS, LEGO Mindstorms, Kinect, Neobotix).
- graytowne/caser - A Matlab implementation of Convolutional Sequence Embedding Recommendation Model (Caser)
- decouples/Matlab_deep_learning - 《Matlab计算机视觉与深度学习实战》代码
- lzane/VRP-using-SA-with-Matlab - Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) using Simulated Annealing (SA) with Matlab / 模拟退火
- jacobeisenstein/DPMM - Dirichlet process mixture model code in Matlab. Sampling and variational.
- isaacgerg/matlabHyperspectralToolbox - initial cut
- ikarosilva/wfdb-app-toolbox - The WFDB Toolbox for MATLAB/Octave is a collection of functions for reading, writing, and processing physiologic signals in the formats used by PhysioNet (see README for details).
- hangxyz/License-Plate-Recognition-by-MATLAB - 基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统
- gibbonCode/GIBBON - The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On for MATLAB
- DrosteEffect/BrewerMap - [MATLAB] The complete palette of ColorBrewer colormaps. Simple selection by scheme name and map length.
- cortex-lab/allenCCF - Tools to work with Allen Inst CCF data in matlab
- diehl/Incremental-SVM-Learning-in-MATLAB - This MATLAB package implements the methods for exact incremental/decremental SVM learning, regularization parameter perturbation and kernel parameter perturbation presented in "SVM Incremental Learning, Adaptation, and Optimization" by Christopher Diehl and Gert Cauwenberghs.
- davisvideochallenge/davis-matlab - A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation
- bastibe/Violinplot-Matlab - Violin Plots for Matlab
- avenix/WDK - The Wearables Development Toolkit - a development environment for activity recognition applications with sensor signals
- symao/minimum_snap_trajectory_generation - easy sample code for minimum snap trajectory planning in MATLAB
- quandl/Matlab - Quandl's Matlab module
- MIT-SPARK/GlobalOptimizationTutorial - Hands-on Tutorial for Global Optimization in Matlab
- garethjns/Kaggle-EEG - Seizure prediction from EEG data using machine learning. 3rd place solution for Kaggle/Uni Melbourne seizure prediction competition.
- danmcduff/iphys-toolbox - A MATLAB toolbox for iPPG analysis. The toolbox includes implementations of commonly used methods.
- adnanmunawar/matlab-rrt-variants - RRT*, RRT-connect, lazy RRT and RRT extend have been implemented for 2d and 3d c-spaces with visualization
- sqlp/sdpt3 - SDPT3: MATLAB/Octave software for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming
- QuantumLiu/matDL - A lightweight MATLAB deeplearning toolbox,based on gpuArray.
- probml/pmtkdata - A collection of MATLAB data sets used by PMTK.
- horchler/SDETools - Matlab Toolbox for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations
- awerries/kalman-localization - MATLAB implementation of localization using sensor fusion of GPS/INS through an error-state Kalman filter.
- zoharby/plot_google_map - MATLAB function for plotting a Google map on the background of a figure
- rishirdua/machine-learning-matlab - Matlab implementation of Machine Learning algorithms
- philbooks/Kalman-Filter-for-Beginners - Sample code in MATLAB/Octave for "Kalman Filter for Beginners"
- jonathanlilly/jLab - A Matlab toolbox for big data analysis, signal processing, mapping, and oceanographic applications.
- johnyf/fig2u3d - Export MATLAB figure as U3D file or directly to 3D interactive PDF
- hiroyuki-kasai/ClassifierToolbox - A MATLAB toolbox for classifier: Version 1.0.7
- grinsted/wavelet-coherence - A cross wavelet and wavelet coherence toolbox for MATLAB
- CoSMoMVPA/CoSMoMVPA - A lightweight multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) toolbox in Matlab / Octave
- analogdevicesinc/MathWorks_tools - Scripts and tools created by ADI to be used with MATLAB and Simulink with ADI products
- simulkade/FVTool - Finite volume toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- mobeets/mpm - Simple Matlab package management inspired by pip
- ebrevdo/synchrosqueezing - The MATLAB Synchrosqueezing Toolbox
- andreas-bulling/ActRecTut - MATLAB Human Activity Recognition Toolbox
- thomaskuestner/CS_MoCo_LAB - Compressed Sensing and Motion Correction LAB: An MR acquisition and reconstruction system
- ngageoint/MATLAB_SAR - A basic MATLAB library to demonstrate reading, writing, display, and simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD standard.
- Mericam/exposure-fusion - Exposure Fusion in Matlab
- KirillLykov/cvision-algorithms - Collection of Computer Vision algorithms implemented in Matlab
- jmmanley/VGG-Multiple-View-Geometry - A set of MATLAB utilities for multiple view geometry, provided alongside Hartley & Zisserman's "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Second Edition" (2004). Obtained from http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/hzbook/code/.
- graphviz4matlab/graphviz4matlab - Matlab interface to Graphviz graph layout package. Allows interactive editing of the resulting graphs.
- cdebacco/SpringRank - Calculates SpringRank from directed networks or pairwise comparisons
- ZacharyTaylor/Camera-to-Arm-Calibration - Matlab toolbox for finding the transformation from a camera to a robotic arms base
- WaterlooRobotics/mobilerobotics - Matlab and Robot code for MTE 544: Autonomous Mobile Robotics at the University of Waterloo
- textmate/matlab.tmbundle - TextMate support for Matlab / Octave
- spm/spm12 - SPM12
- slayton/matlab-xkcdify - XKCDIFY! Adding flair to boring Matlab Axes one plot at a time
- ravenxrz/Mathematical-Modeling - 数学建模算法学习
- justdark/matlab_code-ufldl-exercise- - My UFLDL EXERCISE CODE
- daniilidis-group/event_feature_tracking - This repo contains MATLAB implementations of the event-based feature tracking methods described in "Event-based Feature Tracking with Probabilistic Data Association" and "Event-based Visual Inertial Odometry".
- CyC2018/ECG-Classifier - 📉 Matlab implementation of ECG classifier
- vlfeat/vlbenchmarks - VLBenchmark is a MATLAB suite of benchmarks for computer vision features
- vitorsr/SIHR - Ongoing effort of implementing fast/non-data-aided single image highlight removal methods in MATLAB/GNU Octave
- stabix/stabix - Slip transfer analysis toolbox and GUIs (Matlab)
- ronw/matlab_htk - MATLAB functions that interface with the HTK Speech Recognition Toolkit (http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/) for training HMMs, GMMs and simple speech recognizers.
- petercorke/spatialmath-matlab - Spatial math primitives for MATLAB
- MultiDIC/MultiDIC - Matlab 3D Digital Image Correlation Toolbox
- Apress/matlab-machine-learning - Source Code for 'MATLAB Machine Learning' by Michael Paluszek and Stephanie Thomas
- amoudgl/mosse-tracker - Implementation of MOSSE tracker in MATLAB: Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters (CVPR 2010)
- wsshin/maxwellfdfd - MATLAB-based solver package of Maxwell's equations by the FDFD method.
- ubcmatlabguide/ubcmatlabguide.github.io - YAGTOM: Yet Another Guide TO Matlab
- stephenbeckr/SparsifiedKMeans - KMeans for big data using preconditioning and sparsification, Matlab implementation
- rmarquis/coursera-machinelearning - Stanford University - Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
- qiuqiangkong/matlab-hmm - Open source HMM toolbox, with Discrete-HMM, Gaussian-HMM, GMM-HMM. (matlab)
- nickabattista/IB2d - An easy to use immersed boundary method in 2D, with full implementations in MATLAB and Python that contains over 60 built-in examples, including multiple options for fiber-structure models and advection-diffusion, Boussinesq approximations, and/or artificial forcing.
- justinblaber/ncorr_2D_matlab - 2D Digital Image Correlation Matlab Software
- jmiseikis/RobotNavigation - MATLAB implementation of two popular navigation algorithms: A-star and Real-Time Randomized Path Planning
- Conclusio/matlab-epsclean - Clean/Repair .eps PostScript vector files created by Matlab R2016b
- caomw/matlab-forensics - MATLAB implementations of popular Image Forensic algorithms
- avisingh599/vo-howard08 - [Reimplementation Howard 2008] A MATLAB implementation of Visual Odometry using Andrew Howard's 2008 paper.
- avehtari/BDA_m_demos - Bayesian Data Analysis demos for Matlab/Octave
- urbste/MLPnP_matlab_toolbox - The toolbox is a collection of PnP methods for Matlab. It can be used to benchmark algorithms.
- psexton/matlab-xunit - xUnit for Matlab with JUnit-compatible XML output
- kirk86/ImageRetrieval - Content Based Image Retrieval Techniques (e.g. knn, svm using MatLab GUI)
- johannesgerer/jburkardt-m - An official Git Mirror of John Burkardt's great collection of MATLAB Software
- GenLouvain/GenLouvain - A generalized Louvain method for community detection implemented in MATLAB
- chrisconlon/blp-demand - estimate BLP demand model in Matlab using state-of-the-art techniques
- fangfufu/Matlab-Data-Video-Converter - Convert arbitrary binary files into a video.
- eliduenisch/latexTable - This MATLAB function converts matrices, cells or tables from MATLAB to LaTeX table code.
- d-kitamura/ILRMA - MATLAB script of Independent Low-Rank Matrix Analysis (ILRMA)
- YashBansod/Robotics-Dynamics-and-Control - This contains all the codes of the Robot Dynamics and Control Labs. The imlementations model various kinds of manipulators and mobile robots for position control, trajectory planning and path planning problems. The codes are written on MATLAB 2017a.
- tomgoldstein/phasepack-matlab - A software library for solving phase retrieval problems, and comparing phase retrieval methods.
- RenderToolbox/RenderToolbox4 - Matlab toolbox for managing 3D scenes and physically-based rendering.
- playerkk/drfi_matlab - MATLAB implementation of the paper Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach
- OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET-Matlab-Toolkit - A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries
- olivierlar/miningsuite - Comprehensive Matlab framework for signal, audio and music analysis, articulating audio and symbolic approaches
- nik1106/MNA-MAT - An easy-to-use MATLAB tool for SPICE netlist simulation
- MOxUnit/MOxUnit - An xUnit framework for Matlab and GNU Octave
- kimjingu/nonnegfac-matlab - Matlab implementations of fast algorithms for nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations
- ikuwow/PatchMatch - The PatchMatch algorithm on MATLAB
- CHLNDDEV/OceanMesh2D - A fast two-dimensional triangular mesh generator with pre- and post-processing utilities written in pure MATLAB (no toolboxes required) designed specifically for models that solve shallow-water equations or wave equations in a coastal environment (ADCIRC, SWAN, SCHISM, Telemac, etc.).
- akanazawa/catdeform - A Matlab implementation for the paper: "Learning 3D Deformation of Animals from 2D Images" http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~kanazawa/papers/cat_eg2016.pdf
- yechengxi/LightCapsNet - A Matlab implementation of the capsule networks (or capsnet).
- xiumingzhang/photometric-stereo - A MATLAB Implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm
- petercorke/toolbox-common-matlab - Common code for MATLAB toolboxes for Robotics, Machine Vision
- petercorke/spatial-math - Spatial math primitives for MATLAB
- NOCIONS/letswave6 - Letswave 6 - Matlab EEG signal processing toolbox
- mpf/spot - A linear-operator toolbox for Matlab
- lostanlen/scattering.m - Scattering.m — a MATLAB toolbox for wavelet scattering
- alexgkendall/OPTICS_Clustering - MATLAB Implementation of the OPTICS unsupervised clustering algorithm
- noureldien/FingerprintRecognition - Fingerprint Recognition in runtime using images captured from mobile. Built using Android and OpenCV. Also built in MATLAB.
- MaoXu/Joint_Bayesian - According to the paper "Bayesian Face Revisited: A Joint Formulation", the repository realizes the algorithm of Joint Beyesian with Matlab and achieve the same result as the paper
- lawrennd/mocap - Matlab software for processing motion capture files.
- Data2Dynamics/d2d - a modeling environment tailored to parameter estimation in dynamical systems
- davidstutz/matlab-mnist-two-layer-perceptron - A two layer perceptron implemented in MatLab to recognize handwritten digits based on the MNIST dataset.
- libDirectional/libDirectional - Matlab library for directional statistics and directional estimation
- sofacoustics/API_MO - SOFA Matlab/Octave API
- pengsun/MatlabCNN - Matlab codes for 2D Convolutional Neural Network
- FacePlusPlus/facepp-matlab-sdk - Matlab SDK for Face++ V2 API
- precise-simulation/featool-multiphysics - FEATool Multiphysics - Physics Simulation Made Easy
- MITComputationalCamera/LightFields - HW#3 Uses Matlab to compute a lightfield refocus
- DC9ST/tdoa-evaluation-rtlsdr - Matlab Scripts for Evaluation of a TDOA System based on RTL-SDRs
- softwarespartan/IB4m - Interactive Brokers API for Matlab
- sachinkariyattin/HWCR - Handwritten Character Recognition System using Neural Networks is developed using MATLAB Neural Network and Image Processing tool box. This system has been developed using existing algorithms like Preprocessing and Feature Extraction techniques.
- pengsun/MexConv3D - Matlab mex implementation of the basic operations for 3D (volume) Convolutional Neural Network
- jflalonde/illuminationSingleImage - MATLAB implementation of our llumination estimation technique from a single image (ICCV'09 and IJCV'12 papers)
- gerald-lindsly/mongo-matlab-driver - Matlab driver for MongoDB
- chrisjmccormick/hog_matlab - Matlab implementation of the HOG descriptor for pedestrian detection
- chemplexity/chromatography - functions for chromatography and mass spectrometry data analysis
- zhegan27/TSBN_code_NIPS2015 - The Matlab Code and the Supplementary Material for the NIPS 2015 paper "Deep Temporal Sigmoid Belief Networks for Sequence Modeling"
- tambetm/matlab2048 - 2048 playing agent using deep Q-learning in Matlab.
- spunt/bspmview - MATLAB program for viewing 3D fMRI statistical images
- sjtrny/FuseBox - MATLAB library for pansharpening and image fusion
- rmgarnett/active_learning - Active learning toolbox for MATLAB
- Perception-and-Neurodynamics-Laboratory/Matlab-toolbox-for-DNN-based-speech-separation - This folder contains Matlab programs for a toolbox for supervised speech separation using deep neural networks (DNNs).
- JiamingMai/Color-Attenuation-Prior-Dehazing - MATLAB codes for the paper "A Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm using Color Attenuation Prior"
- jameslyons/matlab_speech_features - A set of speech feature extraction functions for ASR and speaker identification written in matlab.
- hagaygarty/mdCNN - 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for volumetric inputs. Matlab framework supporting 2D and 3D kernels
- ClarkZinzow/Nonlinear-Optimization-Algorithms - MATLAB implementations of a variety of nonlinear programming algorithms.
- amandajshao/crowd_group_profile - Matlab code for our CVPR 2014 work "Scene-Independent Group Profiling in Crowd".
- snopt/snopt-matlab - Matlab interface for sparse nonlinear optimizer SNOPT
- oxfordcontrol/CDCS - An open-source MATLAB® ADMM solver for partially decomposable conic optimization programs.
- nicolasayotte/MatlabGDSPhotonicsToolbox - This is a Matlab library of functions to facilitate the design of Photonics Integrated Circuits GDS layout.
- HidekiKawahara/SparkNG - MATLAB realtime/interactive speech tools
- fernandoandreotti/fecgsyn - FECGSYN toolbox for ECG and fetal ECG simulation
- DefuLian/recsys - recommendation system written by matlab codes
- daeyun/Image-Stitching - MATLAB code for panorama image stitching.
- ceshine/RRL_Matlab - Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Matlab Implementation
- ashafaei/ubc3v - The Matlab toolkit for UBC 3 View Dataset.
- XU-TIANYANG/GFS-DCF - Matlab implementation of ICCV2019 paper "Joint Group Feature Selection and Discriminative Filter Learning for Robust Visual Object Tracking"
- UTS-CAS/Matlab-Graph-Optimization - Matlab: Optimization for Nonlinear Least Squares
- tsenst/RLOFLib - Robust Local Optical Flow (RLOF)
- piyushbajaj0704/Driver-Sleep-Detection-Face-Eyes-Mouth-Detection - As part of my thesis project, I designed a monitoring system in Matlab which processes the video input to indicate the current driving aptitude of the driver and warning alarm is raised based on eye blink and mouth yawning rate if driver is fatigue. It is implemented using Viola-Jones and Sobel techniques for facial features detection.
- MAMEM/eeg-processing-toolbox - Matlab code for proccesing EEG signals.
- klho/FLAM - Fast linear algebra in MATLAB
- jmrf/HOG-Pedestrian-Detector - MATLAB implementation of a basic HOG + SVM pedestrian detector.
- franciscoserdio/Genetic-Algorithms-Toolbox - Genetic Algorithms in Matlab.
- dgleich/gaimc - Graph Algorithms in Matlab Code
- dcherian/tools - My MATLAB tools + other stuff
- BAILOOL/PlaceRecognition-LoopDetection - Light-weight place recognition and loop detection using road markings
- yqueau/shape_from_shading - Matlab codes for shape from shading
- wjxjmj/quadrotorTrackingControl - A simulation for quadrotor based on matlab
- steven2358/kmbox - Kernel Methods Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- Spartak0s/Polar-Codes-Software-Matlab- - Polar Codes on Matlab Simulation.
- plok6325/Parallel-Get - a toolbox to get CHN stock data for matlab
- MeowLucian/SDR_Matlab_OFDM_802.11a - 📡 Using Software Designed Radio to transmit OFDM QPSK signals at 5 GHz
- lfads/lfads-run-manager - Matlab interface for Latent Factor Analysis via Dynamical Systems (LFADS)
- kendrickkay/knkutils - MATLAB utility functions written by Kendrick Kay
- jflalonde/shadowDetection - MATLAB implementation of our shadow detection approach, introduced in our ECCV 2010 paper.
- ICL-SML/pilco-matlab - PILCO policy search framework (Matlab version)
- g2e/seizmo - passive(ly maintained) seismology toolbox for Matlab & GNU Octave
- circstat/circstat-matlab - Matlab Circular Statistics Toolbox
- yyhz76/reflectSuppress - MATLAB implementation of the algorithm in the CVPR 2019 paper "Fast Single Image Reflection Suppression via Convex Optimization"
- UoS-CODeM/GA-Toolbox - Genetic Algorithms Toolbox
- ryotat/tensor - matlab code for convex optimization based tensor decomposition (completion/denoising)
- optimizers/logging4matlab - Simple Logging Module for Matlab
- jnagy1/IRtools - MATLAB package of iterative regularization methods and large-scale test problems. This software is described in the paper "IR Tools: A MATLAB Package of Iterative Regularization Methods and Large-Scale Test Problems" that will be published in Numerical Algorithms, 2018.
- jeljaik/extended-kalman-filter - Matlab and C++ code for implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter for estimating dynamic quantities for a single rigid body with distributed force/torque measurements and distributed gyroscopes and accelerometers measurements.It also include estimation of the orientation under the quaternion representation.
- jebej/MatlabWebSocket - A simple event-based WebSocket library for MATLAB.
- iandol/opticka - Opticka is an experiment manager built on top of the Psychophysics toolbox (PTB) for MATLAB. It runs experimental tasks using flexible state machine logic and easily does dynamic methods-of-constants type experiments with full behavioural control. It uses a class system to create simple to use visual stimuli using experimenter friendly units. Opticka can use an Eyelink eyetracker, Plexon Omniplex neurophysiology data collection and general TTL control using either a cheap LabJack (ms precision) or DataPixx/Display++ (µs precision). It contains analysis routines linked to Fieldtrip for spike and LFP data easily parsed in terms of the experimental variables.
- ewiger/yamlmatlab - Java-based implementation of YAML IO support in MATLAB.
- eigtool/eigtool - EigTool is open MATLAB software for analyzing eigenvalues, pseudospectra, and related spectral properties of matrices.
- ebranlard/matlab2fortran - Performs some simple conversions from matlab code to fortran
- asteroidhouse/texturesynth - Matlab implementation of Efros-Leung texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling.
- Accla/d4m - Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model
- yuip/hfss-api - A HFSS API to control HFSS from Matlab
- xwasco/DominantSetLibrary - A Matlab library for the Dominant Set clustering
- VietTran86/Copula-Variational-Bayes - Matlab code for my paper "Copula Variational Bayes inference via information geometry", submitted to IEEE Trans. on information theory, 2018
- tinevez/matlab-tree - A MATLAB class to represent the tree data structure.
- Shikhar1998/Stock-Market-Prediction-using-Neural-Networks-and-Genetic-Algorithm - Matlab Module for Stock Market Prediction using Simple NN
- nathanieljohnston/QETLAB - A MATLAB toolbox for quantum entanglement.
- markallenthornton/MatlabTFCE - Standalone MATLAB implementation of permutation TFCE correction
- JaimeIvanCervantes/FaceRecognition - Face recognition written in MATLAB. This code implements Fisher's Discriminant Analysis and SVMs using LIBSVM.