pyomeca / bioptim

An optimization framework that links CasADi, Ipopt, ACADOS and biorbd for Optimal Control Problem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

print_cost does not display the right value anymore in pendulum example

Ipuch opened this issue · comments

56 4.1582594e+01 2.18e-13 8.82e-12 -7.0 2.99e-06 - 1.00e+00 1.00e+00h 1

Number of Iterations....: 56

                               (scaled)                 (unscaled)

Objective...............: 4.1582594261527476e+01 4.1582594261527476e+01
Dual infeasibility......: 8.8245666159473131e-12 8.8245666159473131e-12
Constraint violation....: 2.1760371282653068e-13 2.1760371282653068e-13
Variable bound violation: 8.4761051510895413e-09 8.4761051510895413e-09
Complementarity.........: 9.0917753405469641e-08 9.0917753405469641e-08
Overall NLP error.......: 9.0917753405469641e-08 9.0917753405469641e-08

Number of objective function evaluations = 125
Number of objective gradient evaluations = 57
Number of equality constraint evaluations = 125
Number of inequality constraint evaluations = 0
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 57
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations = 56
Total seconds in IPOPT = 0.506

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
solver : t_proc (avg) t_wall (avg) n_eval
callback_fun | 5.51ms ( 96.58us) 5.46ms ( 95.72us) 57
nlp_f | 451.00us ( 3.61us) 449.59us ( 3.60us) 125
nlp_g | 22.38ms (179.04us) 22.32ms (178.59us) 125
nlp_grad_f | 331.00us ( 5.61us) 321.56us ( 5.45us) 59
nlp_hess_l | 272.14ms ( 4.86ms) 272.21ms ( 4.86ms) 56
nlp_jac_g | 91.96ms ( 1.59ms) 92.04ms ( 1.59ms) 58
total | 506.18ms (506.18ms) 506.58ms (506.58ms) 1
Solver reported time: 0.506577932 sec
Real time: 0.5072171790016 sec

Lagrange.MINIMIZE_CONTROL: 1247.477827845824 (non weighted -0.17)

Sum cost functions: 1247.477827845824

It seems that it is now fixed, closing!