pszenher / spin_hokuyo_test

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This repository contains code to control a Dynamixel motor and a 2D Hokuyo LiDAR to create a 3D point cloud that can be visualized in rviz. This point cloud can then be used to create an octomap (code for this is not included in this repository).

Setup Directions

  1. Install Dynamixel Drivers from ROS:
    sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-dynamixel-motor
    Install Hokuyo Node:
    sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-hokuyo-node
    Install Laser Assembler:
    sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-laser-assembler
  2. Download this repocitory into your src file.
  3. In the motors_base/launch folder, update the dynamixel_servos.yaml to match your servo.
    For information on how to fill out the .yaml file, please see dynamixel_servos_basic.yaml under motors_base/launch.
  4. catkin_make and source the files, then:
    roslaunch spin_hokuyo basic_motors.launch
    The motor controller and spawner should properly generate topics that correspond to the motor. (i.e. no red text)
  5. In a new terminal, open the rostopics list. There should be two new commands: /tilt_controller/command and /tilt_controller/state. /command will issue new positions to the motor via Float64 (try this using rostopic pub). /state will list various pieces of information about the motor (rostopic echo).
  6. If this is fully functional, kill the node and do:
    roslaunch spin_hokuyo tilting_lidar_continuous.launch
    This should cause the motor to regularly sweep from 90 to -90 and generate a point cloud and occupancy map. Be sure to update the dynamixel_servos_tilting.yaml for position, speed, etc.

Possible Dynamixel Errors

Is the USB properly inserted and setup for your computer?
Is the Dynamixel connected to a 12V power source via the adapter?
Is the switch on the USB adapter at the proper loaction?


Dynamixel Interface

The code used to interact with the Dynamixel comes from bot the ROS Drivers Install and the dynamixel_motor package, which is hosted at:

These files are in the /dynamixel folder under /src, the /srv folder, and the file. The format for the .yaml files also came from this package

Dynamixel Control

The class system used to control the Dynamixel motors and the basis for the servo template were based on the examples provided in Chap. 8 of "Effective Robotics Programming with ROS - Third Edition" by Anil Mahtani, Luis Sanchez, Enrique Fernandea, and Aaron Martinez.


The pcl_assembler_client is a modified form of the periodic_snapshotter.cpp which is included in the /examples folder of laser_assembler which is hosted at:





License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 94.0%Language:CMake 6.0%