propjockey / houdini-hud

augmented-ui implemented in Houdini with hopes of future enhancements to the paint api

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augmented-ui implemented in Houdini with hopes of future enhancements to the houdini paint api

houdini-hud is namespaced (all variables begin with --hud-) to maximize compatibility with all other libraries (tailwind, open-props, bootstrap, etc).

Projects already using augmented-ui can also use houdini-hud if needed/wanted.



Interactive Documentation (WIP)


npm install houdini-hud

import "./node_modules/houdini-hud/index.js"

or use it directly from your favorite CDN:

<script src=""></script>

then add it to any element (except on or inside a tags)

<div data-houdini-hud="both">My augmented element</div>

and take a look at the ~150 CSS properties avaialbe to shape it however you want:

Interactive Documentation (WIP)

div { --hud-tl1: clip; --hud-tl1-size: 1rem; }

Planned Breaking Changes

  • Almost all of the custom properties are currently inherit: true. When we can register <image> syntax and pass parameters to the paint worklet without flags, they will no longer need to inherit; Almost all will be set to inherit: false. (do not rely on --hud- vars being inherited to non- data-houdini-hud elements)

NYI Features:

  • augmented-ui's delegated border and inlay features (easy)
  • length-percentage mixed calcs like calc(100% - 30em) aren't resolvable in Houdini/CSSOM natively yet (moderate)
  • independent inlay and border top/left/right/bottom sizes (very difficult, have to manually implement stroke (again))
  • Curved HUD-like bend and placement within (impossible to do well without some of the Wish-List items below)
  • Static/Glitch effect (impossible with just houdini currently, though an svg displacement filter can do this very well...)

When houdini-hud reaches 90%+ of global users based on browsers implementing all the needed features (and Safari fixes the old iacvt bug), the next major version of augmented-ui (at that time) will be a copy of houdini-hud with variables prefixed with --aug- again.

This convergence isn't expected for several years, though houdini-hud as it is now works and is fully documented if you wish to use it today ~

Houdini Paint Worklet Wish-List

  • Direct px manipulation of paint ctx (px shaders!)
  • paint ctx.createImageData()
  • Register and use as input "<image>" syntax (and be able to manipulate the px imageData)
  • paint() parameters without flags
  • allow Houdini to read css vars when paint()ing the body tag
  • allow Houdini on a tags and decendants of a tags
  • Register compund syntaxes & Resolve to px value in CSSOM when it can "<length>|initial"
  • Ability to register perecent properties with width|height|inline|block dimension-resolution hints
  • That ^ so that CSSOM resolves calc(100% - 20vw), etc
  • OffscreenCanvas in paint worklet
  • new Image() in paint worklet
  • ability to register properties that inherit into the psuedo elements but not further into dom

houdini-hud won't be feature complete until I can do a glitch and 3D curved effect on the ctx (basically any form of px reading of the ctx imageData/bitmap).

Decided to release early anyway though (instead of waiting a second year) in hopes it will encourage continued development of houdini paint api! 💜

houdini-hud vs augmented-ui

new features:

  • independent border
    • masking the element itself now optional
    • easier to use as a decoration and less dom for glowing border filters
    • impossible to backport unfortunately
  • corner region insets added
    • super asymetric elements now possible (saw it in a sci-fi show, had to have it)
    • might backport to an augmented-ui v3
  • extend props renamed to region inset 1/2
    • much easier to use (improved DX)
    • might backport to an augmented-ui v3
  • :where() wrapped selectors
    • might backport to an augmented-ui v3
    • so users can override default values with element-level selector specificity
    • (devs no longer forced to use class names in their CSS)
    • could have used css layers instead (might switch to this)
  • data-augmented-ui-reset no longer needed to avoid the old iacvt bug that's still in Safari
    • (can safely nest hud elements directly without reset layer between)

lost features:

  • Houdini doesn't work on a tags or anything inside of an a tag
  • CSS.paintWorklet does not work on http (local or https only)


augmented-ui implemented in Houdini with hopes of future enhancements to the paint api

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%