prithvi-narayan-bhat / 8_tile_puzzle_problem

An attempt to build an agent to solve a modifed version of the 8 puzzle problem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An attempt to build an agent to solve a modified version of the 8 puzzle problem.

This code code is available on Github at the following link

To clone the repository, enter the follwoing command on a Git supported machine

git clone

Algorithms implemented

  1. Breadth First Search
  2. Depth First Search
  3. Iteratively Deepening Search
  4. Uniform Cost Search
  5. Greedy First Search
  6. A* Search
  7. Depth Limited Search


System Requirements

The project was developed and tested on a Linux Mint machine (Kernel 5.15.0-56-generic) with Python3 (Version 3.10.6). However, I am positive it can be run without any modifications on any compatible system

Required Files

Ensure the the following files are all present in the same directory when executing

  3. goal_state.txt
  4. start_state.txt

Command Line Execution

Enter the following to view the CLI help interface

python3 -h[--help]

To run the application and perform any particular algorithm, run the following

python3 [puzzle_start_state] [puzzle_goal_state] [algorithm] [log_flag]


A text file that includes the grid of tiles (tested for 3x3). It could look like this 2 3 6 1 0 7 4 8 5 END OF FILE


A text file that includes the grid of tiles (tested for 3x3). It could look like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 END OF FILE


Acceptable algorithms parameters are the following

  1. BFS -> Breadth First Search
  2. DFS -> Depth First Search
  3. IDS -> Iteratively Deepening Search
  4. UCS -> Uniform Cost Search
  5. GFS -> Greedy First Search
  6. ASS -> A* Search
  7. DLS -> Depth Limited Search (will receive a second prompt for the maximum permissable depth (Integer value))
NOTE: At any given time only one algorithm may be implemented


Flag to either log the progress into a file or not Acceptable values

  1. l -> log = True
  2. nl -> log = False


An attempt to build an agent to solve a modifed version of the 8 puzzle problem

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%