docker build -t <container_name> .
If you need a display output:
docker run --device /dev/vchiq:/dev/vchiq --privileged=True -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it <container_name>
If you don't need display output:
docker run --device /dev/vchiq:/dev/vchiq --privileged=True -it <container_name>
Inside the container bash:
2) ./
3) roscore
4) rosrun raspi_camera -n <rpi_number>
Also you need to connect to the running container (to switch a tab):
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
To set ip for multimaster:
--add-host <name>:<> --net host
It will add new hosts to /etc/hosts