personalrobotics / pr_behavior_tree

A simple python behavior tree library based on coroutines

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A simple python behavior tree library using coroutines. Loosely based on pi_trees, but implements the behaviors as coroutines instead of basic functions.

The main class is called Act, and represents an atomic node in the behavior tree. All Acts have zero or more children. An Act with zero children is a leaf. All Acts have a coroutine called tick. tick returns either FAIL, SUCCESS or RUNNING until it is done ticking, at which point it throws a StopIteration exception.

There are special connector Acts that update their children in specific ways. Sequence, for instance, updates all of its children in order until one of its childen returns FAIL. If all the children in a Sequence return SUCCESS, then the Sequence returns SUCCESS also. There are other connectors, such as Select, which returns SUCCESS when any child returns SUCCESS, and PARALLEL, which calls tick on each of its children (more or less) simultaneously until one returns SUCCESS. There are other, interesting connectors in the library.

Additionally, any function that returns SUCCESS or FAIL can be converted into an Act merely by using the special Wrap Act. Note that lambda functions can also be converted to an Act in the same way.

How to write an Act

All you need is a class which extends Act and has a tick function. The tick function, since it is a coroutine, uses the yield keyword instead of the return keyword to return values. return may still be used to break out of the coroutine.

Here's an example act that just prints the numbers 1 through 10:

class Count(Act):
    def __init__(self, children=[], name="Count", *args, **kwargs):
        super(Count, self).__init__(children, name, *args, **kwargs)
    def tick(self):
        for i in range(1, 10):
            print i
            # Since we use 'yield' here, the loop does not block the program.
            # yield saves the state of the function so that when it is called again,
            # the program returns to this line, rather than the beginning of the
            # function.
            yield ActStatus.RUNNING
        yield ActStatus.SUCCESS


Here's an example of a behavior tree and how to use it:

    # Prints an object and returns SUCCESS
    def printobj(text):
        print text
        return ActStatus.SUCCESS
    # It's easy to initialize a tree just by specifying the children
    # as a list in the first argument
    tree = Parallel(
            # These loop through their children N times or until one fails
                    # These are an example of how to use
                    # lambdas with the behavior tree
                    Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 1")),
                    Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 2"))
                ], num_iter=10),
            # This will be run in parallel with the first child
                    Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 3")),
                    Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 4"))
                ], num_iter=5),
    # Print an ascii representation of the tree
    # Reset the tree's state before running it
    # Run the tree to completion. Notice that you don't have to block here.
    # You can break out of the loop at any time to do other things, and return
    # to the loop later. If the Act needs to be suspended for a long time, and
    # then resumed later, call "tree.suspend()" followed by "tree.resume()"
    for status in tree.iterator:

The output of the test program is:

 --> Loop
     --> Wrap                     Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 1")),

     --> Wrap                     Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 2"))

 --> Loop
     --> Wrap                     Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 3")),

     --> Wrap                     Wrap(lambda: printobj("Hello 4"))

Hello 1
Hello 3
Hello 2
Hello 4
Hello 1
Hello 3
Hello 2
Hello 4
Hello 1
Hello 3
Hello 2
Hello 4
Hello 1
Hello 3
Hello 2
Hello 4
Hello 1

Suspending and Resuming

In addition to ticking, Acts can be suspended or resumed. An act can override suspend and resume to do tasks whenever an act has been temporarily put on hold. Sequential acts suspend only the current child, while parallel acts suspend all children.

A Note on Parallelism

Since Acts are coroutines and not threads, they are never truly run in parallel, and thus can't take advantage of multicore processing. But for the most part, they eliminate the need for threading constructs such as locks. The order of executation is also deterministic. It is given by the order of the children in each parallel subtree. For instance, in the example above, we had Parallel([Sequence([1, 2]), Sequence([3, 4])]) as the tree. The update order is deterministic; it is always a parallel breadth-first traversal of the tree -- 1, 3, 2, 4.

A more complicated example with a loop in parallel:

Parallel([Loop([1, 2], num_iters=2), Sequence([3, 4]), Sequence([5, 6])]) the traversal order would be 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 1, 2.

But if we instead had:

Sequence([Loop([1, 2], num_iters=2), Sequence([3, 4]), Sequence([5, 6])]) the traversal order would be 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


A simple python behavior tree library based on coroutines


Language:Python 100.0%