pawlovskiii / Ethereum-jako-platforma-dla-aplikacji-zdecentralizowanych

The whole engineering thesis was about an introduction to blockchain development for absolute beginners. Firstly I wanted to give theoretical knowledge of the most important things. Nextly I moved strictly to the Ethereum blockchain. The culmination of the thesis is the yield protocol application, which gives rewards to its users.

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Ethereum jako platforma dla aplikacji zdecentralizowanych

Table of contents

General info

The whole engineering thesis was about an introduction to blockchain development for absolute beginners. Firstly I wanted to give theoretical knowledge of the most important things. Nextly I moved strictly to the Ethereum blockchain. The culmination of the thesis is the yield protocol application, which gives rewards to its users.


The whole engineering thesis was about an introduction to blockchain development for absolute beginners. Firstly I wanted to give theoretical knowledge of the most important things. Nextly I moved strictly to the Ethereum blockchain. The culmination of the thesis is the yield protocol application, which gives rewards to its users.