p0l0satik / PlaneDetector

Framework for plane detection algorithms approbation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Framework for plane detection algorithms approbation


This framework has pipeline for plane segmentation in point clouds and some visualization tools

What is already done:

  • Pipeline for mapping rgb images planes annotations to point cloud and their visualization
  • Plane outliers detection and removing using Open3D RANSAC implementation
  • Basic plane detector algorithm based on Open3D RANSAC
  • Metrics for plane detection: IoU, Dice, classic ones

RGB annotations and outliers

This framework can map annotated rgb images and their depth component to the point cloud.

How to use

Run it with python main.py [dataset_path] --frame_number=[frame_number] --loader=[loader_name] [--annotations_path=[annotations_path] [--disable_annotation_filter_outliers]] [--algo=[plane_detection_algo_name] [--metric=[metric_name_1] --metric=[metric_name_2] ...]], where dataset_path --- path to the dataset folder, frame_number --- number of the frame in dataset (enumeration started from 0), loader_name --- name of the dataset loader (tum and icl_tum are available), annotations_path --- path to annotations.xml file, plane_detection_algo_name --- algorithm to use for detection of planes and metric_name_X --- name of the metric to benchmark the chosen algorithm.

Example of usage:

python main.py C:\dataset --frame_num=0 --loader=icl_tum --annotations_path=C:\annotations.xml


Original depth image Annotated RGB image

Framework build point cloud based on depth image and map annotations to it using different colors.

Result of mapping

As you can see, some objects aren't well annotated: lamp and plant on the left side, for example. To fix such mistakes in annotation outlier detector can be used. This framework has one based on RANSAC algorithm.

Result of mapping with outliers extraction

As you can see now, plant and lamp are marked with black --- as not annotated objects, but not as a wall behind them!


Framework for plane detection algorithms approbation

License:MIT License


Language:Python 74.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 25.1%