otsubo / myCobotROS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Make sure that Atom2.1alpha is flashed into the top Atom and Transponder is flashed into the base Basic .The tool download address: https://github.com/elephantrobotics/myCobot/tree/main/Software
ubuntu: 16.04LTS
ros version: 1.12.17

1. Installation

1.1 Pre-Requriements

For using this package, the api library should be installed first.(demo comes with)

If you want to use api alone, you can look here https://github.com/elephantrobotics/myCobotROS/blob/main/scripts/pythonAPI/README.md

1.2 Package Download and Install

Install ros package in your src folder of your Catkin workspace.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/elephantrobotics/myCobotROS.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make

1.3 Test API

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/myCobotRos
python3 scripts/test.py

If the myCobot color change to red, it's mean the API is working normally.

2. Package Modules

2.1 Nodes

  • display is a display node. When the node is running, When the node is running, the model of ROS will show the movement of mycobot synchronously.
  • control_slider is the node which slider bar control.
  • control_marker is the node which use interactive marker control.

2.2 Topics

  • joint_states - control mycobot status.

    Message_type: std_msgs/JointState
    Data: position[float, float, float, float, float, float]

3. Visualization in RViz

3.1 Functions

  • Visualization -- display.launch: This function will display robot arm movement in realtime when you manually move mycobot.

  • Control -- control.launch: This function will allow you use slider bar to control movement of the robot arm.

3.2 Lanuch and Run

-Step 1: In one terminal, open the core.

rocore #open another tab

-Step 2: Launch

a) For display or marker control, in second terminal, run:

roslaunch myCobotROS mycobot.launch

b) For slider bar control, in second terminal, run:

roslaunch myCobotROS control.launch

-Step 3: Open rviz to view robot

rosrun rviz rviz

-Step 4: Run python script

a) For display

rosrun myCobotRos display.py

b) For slider bar.

rosrun myCobotRos control_slider.py

c) For marker control

rosrun myCobots control_marker.py


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Python 98.2%Language:CMake 1.8%