onurbagoren / slam

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Map My World: Udacity RSE Project

Onur Bagoren


The aim of this project is to use RTAB-Map in order to simulate the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) with in an unknown environment that was built and simulated in a Gazebo environment.



If the catkin_ws does not exists:

  1. cd ~
  2. mkdir -p catkin_ws/src; cd catkin_ws/src
  3. catkin_init_workspace
  4. cd ../; catkin_make
  5. cd src
  6. git clone git@github.com:onurbagoren/slam.git


Open 3 tabs from the terminal. Initially run cd ~/catkin_ws; source devel/setup.bash on each tab. On the first tab: roslaunch slam mapping.launch On the second tab: roalaunch slam worl.launch

These two tabs will start up 3 windows: RVix, Gazebo and RTAB-Map

In order to drive the robot, on the third tab: roslaunch slam teleop.launch

Screenshot of SLAM

Image of SLAM from RTAB-Map



Language:CMake 100.0%