oechsler / BareSharp

🖼2D sprite framework, living ontop of MonoGame.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Since this has been a project for school, it won't get updates in the future!
Nevertheless feel free to use the code in you're own projects.

Getting Started

For further information on the MonoGame framework, please do checkout their documentation.
This guide assumes that you already know how to work with MonoGame's content pipeline.

General setup

  1. Import Bare's shared project into your Visual Studio solution.
  2. Link the shared project with your executing MonoGame project.
  3. Link a version of MoonSharp with your executing project or define a NOSCRIPT preprocessor flag.


In order for Bare to run, you need to replace the default Game1 class with Bare's Entrypoint. The Entrypoint can also be customized to fit your needs by overriding it. It is highly recommended that you create your own Entrypoint, when using C# to code.

using BareKit;

public class Program
	public static void Main(string[] args)
		using (var entrypoint = new Entrypoint())


Bare uitilizes MoonSharp to implement the Lua scripting language. It is intended that you use Lua for scripting your games. But because Bare's API is written completly in C# and translated to Lua during runtime, you may use C# aswell for more advanced scripting or due to personal preference.

  • Known caveat: the integrated Glide tweening engine is not accessible through Lua. Tween.lua is used instead and can be accessed via tween.
  • Object oriented scripting is possible with the embedded version of 30log, accessible through the class field.

Userdefined Lua scripts by deafult are located in the Scripts subdirectory of your project and need to be marked as Embedded resource in Visual Studio. For changing the default directory please have a look into Bare's Entrypoint class.

To enable Lua scripting create a file in the Scripting directory, name it main.lua and mark it as Embedded resource. Just add the following lines of code to it and you are done.

function bare.start()

When executing, this should print out Ready. in Visual Studio's output window.

Callback functions

function bare.start()
	-- Creates a scene and navigates to it
	local scene = init(bare.scene)

This function gets called once, when Bare is started. This is usually where you load your scenes and setup things specific to your game. You may want to do these things somewhere else, but doing them here ensures that they're only done once and therefore saving a lot of system resources.

function bare.update()
	-- Increments `number` by `1` per second.
	number = number + 1 * bare.delta

This function is continoussly called before rendering a frame. Probably this is where all your logic is done. bare.delta is the so called delta time. It is the amount of time in seconds since the last time this function was called (usually a small value). Due to the event driven nature of the Bare framework (each scene has its own update event), the delta time can be accessed via a variable.

function bare.config(e)
	-- Sets the window size
	e.scaling = init(bare.scalingManager, e.graphics, e.window, init(bare.vector3, 950, 16, 9), 1)
	-- Disables rendering the cursor
	e.isMouseVisible = false

This function is called before the window is created and therefore allows you to make a change to the default size of 720x506 in the way indicated above. Other things like for example mouse visibility are configurable aswell.

Standard library

Bare's Lua interpereter contains most of the standard functions. Beyond that there are a few important functions for registering and allocating objects from the underlaying C# context.

-- definition
typedef = alloc(className, assemblyName)
-- example
vector2 = alloc('Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2', 'MonoGame.Framework')
myClass = alloc('MyNamespace.MyClass', _DEFAULT)

This function allocates C# classes to the Lua scripting context. When allocating from your executing assembly, you can simply use _DEFAULT instead of specifing the assembly name.


This function is the counterpart to alloc (use this function carefully).

-- definition
instance = init(typedef, arg1, arg2, ...)
-- example
scale = init(vector2, 2)
scale.x = 2.5
print('Current scale: ' .. scale.toString())

This function instanciates C# objects inside the Lua scripting context. Methodes and fields of the respective objects can be accessed the same way as in C#, but always need to start lowercase. To initiate garbage collection of an instance simply set its userdata reference to a nil value.

-- definition
reference = static(typedef)
-- example
stream = static(storage).read("example.txt")

This function references static C# class methods inside the Lua scripting context.

-- definition
reference = enum(typedef)
-- example
background = enum(color).cornflowerBlue

This function references C# enums inside the Lua scripting context.

bare.container        -- Container drawable.
bare.label            -- Text-label drawable.
bare.rect             -- Rectangular drawable.
bare.scene            -- Scene for rendering drawables.
bare.sprite           -- Sprite drawable.
bare.streamReader     -- System.IO.StreamReader.
bare.streamWriter     -- System.IO.StreamWriter.
bare.storage          -- Interface for acessing the filesystem. 
bare.database         -- Interface for storing persistent values.
bare.shader           -- Interface for using shaders.
bare.sound            -- Interface for playing sounds.
bare.gamepadInput     -- Interface for handling gamepad input.
bare.keyInput         -- Interface for handling keyboard input.
bare.touchInput       -- Interface for handling touch/mouse input.
bare.color            -- Three/Four dimensional color vector.
bare.rotatedRectangle -- Rotatable, rectangular shape.
bare.timeSpan         -- System.TimeSpan.
bare.vector2          -- Two dimensional vector.
bare.vector3          -- Three dimensional vector.
bare.blendMode        -- Enums for different color blend modes.
bare.finger           -- Enums for different fingers.
bare.inputState       -- Enums for different input device states.
bare.keys             -- Enums for different keys.

For furter information on how each of the modules work, please have a look at it's respective class definition. Each method and field of the module has a short documentation attached to it.


Displaying a sprite

The sprite already has to be imported into MonoGame's content pipline. Also make sure that your sprites and fonts have a scale definition assigned. This is done by adding a _nx suffix to the filename. So if you have got a sprite called banana.png, the name for the standard size would be banana_1x.png. The Scaling sizes have to be of the integer type and a standard size must always be provided.

local scene = require "scene"

function bare.start()
local scene = init(bare.scene)
local sprite = nil

	sprite = init(bare.sprite, self.content, "banana")

return scene
Handling input
local scene = init(bare.scene)
local keyEvent = nil

	keyEvent = init(bare.keyInput, enum(bare.inputState).pressed, enum(bare.keys).k)
		print(sender .. " triggered the event.")

return scene
Playing a sound

The sound already has to be imported into MonoGame's content pipline. Also make sure that you have SoundEffect selected as importer, otherwise the sound will not be playable (and an exeption will be thrown).

local scene = init(bare.scene)
local sound = nil

	sound = init(bare.sound, self.content, "banana_squash")

return scene


Copyright © 2017 – Samuel Oechsler

Modified version of Zlib. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a comercial product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation is required. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


🖼2D sprite framework, living ontop of MonoGame.



Language:C# 86.4%Language:Lua 13.6%