nuclearsandwich / sugar-free-ruby

Exploring Object-Oriented Teaching in Ruby

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Sugar-Free Ruby

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Ruby has a lot of syntax to come to terms with. In an effort to reduce learning overhead we often restrict what we teach by avoiding serious coverage of objects in early lessons. Yet objects are what make Ruby great.

Rather than sacrifice Object Oriented Mechanics, Sugar-free ruby uses a minimum of syntactic sugar to reinforce the message-passing objective semantics of Ruby until the pupil understands and then can assimilate new syntactic elements with greater ease.

This talk explores the advantages and pitfalls of the technique as well as other ways to teach Ruby.

Behind the Scenes

This talk was prototyped in HTML using [Impress.js][] and my paltry knowledge of HTML and CSS. If that's what you're after see the history of the master branch prior to the merge of the beamer branch.

I created a very simple custom Beamer theme in beamerthemesugarfree.sty I'll When I gave the presentation, I used the base16white color as the background in order to combat low-contrast projectors. I think the cream background looks nicer on screens and fixed that for the slides on SpeakerDeck.

Huge thanks to the authors and maintainers of XeLaTeX, beamer, minted, Pygments and the Museo Sans font family.

Building Your Own


  • XeLaTeX
    • beamer
    • minted
  • pygments
  • Museo Sans font family

Clone it down and run make.


Exploring Object-Oriented Teaching in Ruby