ntnu-arl / gbplanner_ws

Simulation workspace for gbplanner_ros package

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how to operate on real robot?

pangchenglin opened this issue · comments


This is a interest job and I want to operator on my Jackal, But lots of param I dont know how to set.Could you please open the params on the real robot?

Hi @pangchenglin,

Sorry for the delayed reply.
In order to use the planner with a ground robot you will need to have your path tracking controller to follow the path provided. Currently, the planner plans paths in 2D for ground robot. There are a few changes that are needed in the config files for using with ground robots. You will need to change the following parameters in the gbplanner_config:

  • The robot type here should be changed to kLeggedRobot
  • The z axis sampling parameters need to be changed to sample in 2D. Change this set of parameters to:
    pdf_type:       kConst
    sample_mode:    kManual
    const_val:      0.3 # e.g. off from the ground to satisfy collision check for legged robot.

The collision checking happens for the body of the robot which is considered to be at a height above current robot z coordinate specified by the const_val.

  • The BoundedSpaceParams set the planning bounds for the planner. The Global bound params set the strict bounds of the exploration space and will correspond to the space you want to explore. The Local bound params are the bounds around the current robot location of the local planner to plan the local exploration path. You can change the Local params to change the local planning bounds based on your application and environment. Increasing the local bound will increase the planning horizon but will make the graph sparse.

Other than this you won't need to change any parameters in the gbplanner_config file to run on the robot. Will you be using a 3D lidar like VLP16 on your robot?

The voxblox_sim_config and the octomap_sim_config are the config files for the mapping framework. You will have to specify the appropriate one that you will use on your robot. The readme file of gbplanner_ros shows how it is to be done.

I hope this helps you run the planner on the robot. We are in processes of making a wiki to help users understand the package better.
Feel free to contact if you have any further questions.
