niudix / ME5413_Final_Project

NUS ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

0. Dependencies

  • System Requirements:
    • Ubuntu 20.04 (18.04 not yet tested)
    • ROS Noetic (Melodic not yet tested)
    • C++11 and above
    • CMake: 3.0.2 and above
  • This repo depends on the following standard ROS pkgs:
    • roscpp
    • rospy
    • rviz
    • std_msgs
    • nav_msgs
    • geometry_msgs
    • visualization_msgs
    • tf2
    • tf2_ros
    • tf2_geometry_msgs
    • pluginlib
    • map_server
    • gazebo_ros
    • jsk_rviz_plugins
    • jackal_gazebo
    • jackal_navigation
    • velodyne_simulator
    • teleop_twist_keyboard
  • And this gazebo_model repositiory

1. Installation

1.1 Git clone from github repo

git clone

Change to your directior

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src

1.2 rebuild the repo

  1. Delete ws_livox and Livox-SDK

    rm -rf Livox-SDK
    rm -rf ws_livox 
  2. install Livox-SDK

    git clone
    cd Livox-SDK
    cd build && cmake ..
    sudo make install
  3. install livox_ros_driver

    git clone ws_livox/src
    cd ws_livox

    Fix 'cannot find ikd-tree' error

    clone the ikd-tree repo

    cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src
    git clone
    cd ikd-Tree/ikd-Tree/

    copy ikd_Tree.cpp and ikd_Tree.h to ME5413_Final_Project/src/FAST_LIO/include/ikd-Tree

    cp ikd_Tree.cpp /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src/FAST_LIO/include/ikd-Tree/
    cp ikd_Tree.h /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src/FAST_LIO/include/ikd-Tree/
    cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src
    rm -rf ikd-Tree/
  4. build the repo

    cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project

2. Usage

2.1. Mapping

Launch the gazebo with the project world

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch me5413_world world.launch

In another terminal, launch Fast-Lio for mapping

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project
source source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch me5413_world FL_mapping.launch 

You can use the controller to move the robot


You can also see the point cloud in rviz


You can visualise the raw point cloud image in the Fast Lio folder.

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src/FAST_LIO/PCD
pcl_viewer scans.pcd

2.2 Convert point cloud to grid map

roslaunch pcd2pgm run.launch

In another terminal

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src/pcdtomap/map/
rosrun map_server map_saver


2.3 evo Evaluation

You can record your own rosbag

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src/EVO
rosbag record -a

Using evo to evaluate your own bag

evo_ape bag YOUR_BAG_NAME.bag /gazebo/ground_truth/state /Odometry -r full --plot --plot_mode xy

notice: Do not forget to change YOUR_BAG_NAME to your own.

You can also use our bag

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src/EVO
evo_ape bag EVO_evalue_2024-04-07-15-08-23.bag /gazebo/ground_truth/state /Odometry -r full --plot --plot_mode xy


3. Navigation

3.1 launch navigation node

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch me5413_world world.launch

In another Terminal

cd /YOUR_PATH/ME5413_Final_Project/src
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch me5413_world navigation.launch

Howere if you meet any navigation failed problem. You can just download the navigation part which works fine.





NUS ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 84.8%Language:C 10.4%Language:CMake 3.0%Language:Python 1.1%Language:MATLAB 0.5%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%